Has anyone shaved their head in order to wear a Freedom Wig?

I have thinning hair on the top to the point that I need a wig very soon. I'm 38 yrs old with 3 young kids and we do a lot of activities. My biggest fear is of it coming off in public. The Freedom Wigs are attractive to me because of all the things you can do with them, without worrying about it falling off or blowing away. However, I am hesitant to go ahead and shave my head because it seems so scary to me right now. Has anyone here gone and done this?

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Hi there,

I recently purchased a freedom wig, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I would be happy to answer anything. I too had many concerns because I had been told promise after promise about how a wig would feel, that the hair would be great, that it would be comfortable and how with my freedom piece, I am soooooo happy. I have worn all kinds of pieces over the last few years. Yes, it was hard for me to save the money but after all the heartache I went through with the other wigs I wore, it was totally worth it. The hair is just absolutely gorgeous and I no longer put my head down when wind starts becuase I'm affraid it is going to fall off. It is completely secure. The only thing I would say, is if you have regrowth at all, you need to be prepared to have a clean shave daily as it will not suction on properly..at least I haven't been able to get mine too. Other than that, I love it. Anyways, if you have any questions about them, just email me and I'm happy to help.


It might be helpful for you to join the following group. It was started by a wee girl called Maya. You will get honest feedback from the people in this group.

The group name is as follows: alopecians who have a freedom wig! (or are getting one)

With regards to shaving your head, only you will know when it is right for you. My daughter has shaved her head on and off to wear her freedom wig for the last six years - her hair continues to shed and grow back. I have been very grateful for the freedom alternative as it has given my daughter the ability to present herself how she feels most comfortable, with total security and realism.

Take your time with your decision and talk to Deb Fuller - she's a lovely lady with a great knowledge of this type of hairpiece.

If I can ever help just pop into my page and say hello.

hi deb,

i was in the same position as you in june/july. i had thinning patchy hair that i thought i was getting away with. i was so down in july it was awful. then one day i just put the wig i had bought two months earlier on and i cant tell you how much better i feel. i got rave reviews from friends and strangers and i only told people i felt like the truth because i figure i dont owe it to anyone, i have suffered enough to just smile and say thanks. so i would suggest, try a nice, reasonably expensively priced wig first and see how you go. mine is a rene of paris amore monofilament top - it looks like your head. i call it my magic hair. i had an appointment in august for a freedom wig and the day before i just couldnt do it. i couldnt part with the little hair i had left. it felt too final. i think i will be ready one day but i am just not ready yet. and in the meantime, my whole ability to deal with the alopecia has been helped dramatically by looking pretty good every day with only my own secret under my magic hair.

i hope it all goes ok whatever you decide. best of luck, nat.
hi deb,
i know exactly how you feel about the telling people thing. i was holding off for all the same reasons, who to tell, peoples reactions, all of it. but peoples reactions were just so much better than i imagined. even friends who knew all about the alopecia (and i had been hiding it under a hat - but it gets to the point where you cant go out to dinner in a hat can you?) said "oh your hair is all better it looks fantastic" and i said no - this is my magic hair and they were just amazed. then some people, more acquaintances would start raving about my hair and if i sensed that they would be decent about it i would tell them - more to stop them embarrassing themselves than anything else. and then others, just people out and about who would comment i just smile and say thanks. but i dont feel any obligation.

and i have thought about the whole being genuine thing too but i am still me, i am not my hair. i used to dye my hair and never felt any obligation to tell everyone that, really what is the difference? i dont meet someone new and say "by the way i have stretch marks on my thighs just in case you think i am lying with these pants on!!!" haha. i think you will get a sense of who to tell and who not to worry about.

and the first week i was very self conscious about it but then the novelty of your new hair wears off for everyone and you just settle into it and it sort of becomes you and what you look like every day so no-one bats an eyelid. and as that happens, i think you start think less about it too. you start to get back on with your life again and focus on other things you are doing and want to do etc instead of obsessing about your hair.

i am also a 37 year old mum of two with another on the way and i actually feel quite good looking with my wig! and it is pretty great to not have to do my hair every day!!! i worried about it coming off but they are pretty secure i have to say. i think maybe the less hair you have the better as i have a lot of patches (um honestly, pretty much no hair) around the periphery where the wig can grip. it doesnt come off in wind and after a few days you do get used to it. i am paranoid about my kids or someone elses kids running up to me and hugging me and it pulling off but so far so good. i watch out a bit i have to say when they are giving me tumble cuddles but you get to used to that too. i have samantha - it is sooooo shiny at the start, after a few days or a week it really tones down. i always wear a butterfly clasp at the back, otherwise, it sounds silly, but i feel way too glamourous with it, as if i was trying to be some supermodel. my hair is naturally very blonde (was) so mine is very blonde too. i think the clasp makes it look less glamourous! they say you arent supposed to put clasps etc in because they get ruined but i think it is more important to feel comfortable. i think samantha is a bit longer than codi if i remember but not much.

re the shave. i think i probably will one day too. i thought i might be ready but honestly i think i look really really manly bald - i dont have soft features. i think it is just too early for me. also with my little kids i thought it might be a bit shocking for them although my husband said he doesnt care. but i think i care!

so i am really glad i could hopefully help. honest to god the hardest part is just putting it on that first day and stepping out. and from there on it is just so much better. i hope you work it out and feel free to ask me any more questions if you have any. best of luck!!! natalie.
Hey, Deb, My name is Cheryl and I have had alopecia universalis for over 10 years...I wore wigs for quite awaile and then decided to meet with Debbi Fuller of Fuller Hair (Freedom Hair rep) for a consultation. She is incredible and made me feel so at ease. I was on the fence about shaving and one day, I decided that I wanted to do it because I looked so pathetic with just a few little meager strands and small tufts here and there...I had my oldest son shave it for me with clippers out on our back deck and we laughed about it the whole time we did it. I felt so liberated after that. That was about 9 years ago and I have been wearing Freedom Hair since that time and I LOVE my prosthesis. Believe me...I don't even know that I am wearing a prosthesis...it is so comfortable and natural. I get compliments all the time on how great my hair looks. It did take me awhile to acclimate to it...sort of like wearing contact lenses...you have to want to wear it and get used to it. I do wear Paula Young wigs occasionally...I have several different colors and styles and they are fun...pretty cheap. I take them to my hairdresser and he trims them for me so that they fit my face...I just got a longer reddish one and have been having so much fun wearing it. I still shave my head for my prosthesis...it fits more securely that way. I have never ever regreted shaving that first time either. Good luck to you and if you ever contemplate a prosthesis I recommend Freedom Hair.
By the way, I am soon to be 59 and have 2 grown sons and 2 grandchildren.
I ordered the Samantha & really like it - but how do you keep the hair out of your face? It was driving me crazy!!
My granddaughter wears a freedom vacum wig, she found shaving the bit she had left on her head liberating, before she did this the alopecia controlled her life now she's in control of her alopecia.
Nothing can replace your own hair but she found her freedom wig the next best thing.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
hi deb, how are you going. just thought id check in and see where you got to. so, did you get samantha? and how is it going? have reactions been ok? i hope so! hope you have a great christmas. nat
Update : I shaved my head last week - it feels like a HUGE weight is lifted off my chest. It wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it would be. Looking forward to my Freedom wig! :)

For now I'm wearing Samantha. I think it looks obvious it's a wig, but apparently some people had no idea. I also wear it up in a clip like you do Natalie - I like it better that way.
Congratulations on shaving! Doesn't it feel like you're in control again? Have you visited the AW Group, Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Head?

Good luck!
Hi Deb, Good for you!!
When are you getting your Freedom Wig? I actually am getting mine this coming Saturday. I'm a bit nervous - I'll have to shave as well. But I'm hoping it's all I imagine. I'll let you know how it turns out. Send good thoughts my way Saturday.
it sounds exciting and that shaving wasnt as bad as i think it would be. im sure you are looking forward to your wig!! Pat...congrats! i will be anxious to hear how you like your wig...hope its wonderful!!!



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