Hi my name is Connie and i was just found out I have alopecia on Monday Septmeber 21, 2009. It is a day I will never forget! I noticed a spot on the front of my hairline was balding about a month ago. Went to the Dr. and they showed me that my hair was also missing in the back, around my ears, top of my head and spots all around. How did I not notice? I thought it was just thinning out. The Dr. sent me home with Rogain. Has it worked for anyone else? I cried the first day, all day long. I am feeling so many emotions. Sad, angery, etc... Now the crying is over and I am tring to learn as much as possible. I am also trying to cope with my husband and kids. Husband just wants to fix me. He hates it when I am upset. He got online and ordered me 4 months of Rogain. ( He seems to think that it is going to work) He keeps telling me don't worry, I don't think it is that bad. He is willing to do what ever it takes to make me feel better. He is a great guy and I am lucky. My kids are feeling sad because I am sad. I am trying to keep my head up. I feel like I shouldn't talk about it becasue it makes everyone feel uncomfortable. I also feel that I have to talk about it becasue it is making me feel uncomfortable.
I am very confussed right now. I am thankful for finding Alopecia World. I don't feel so alone.

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Hang in there Connie. We all know what you are going through. I noticed a small spot on the back of my head late June, and it has grown alot since then. It's noticeable on me being a guy, and normally having a feux hawk. But all I can do is not let it affect my life, try everything I can to correct it, right now my Dermatologist has me on injections. Recently I started noticing some hair regrowth inside the spot and it has also not gotten any bigger. You can pull through this. I know that no matter how many people say "it's just hair" or "you'll be fine" it doesn't make me feel any better as I am the one dealing with it. Try to minimize your stress levels and know your not alone.
Thanks for the encouragment Ernesto! That is exactly what people are saying "you'll be fine", "It doesn't look that bad" or my favorite is "at least you don't have something bad like Cancer". I know that they are trying to make me feel better but it really makes me feel worse, like I should be grateful! Thanks again for your kind words ;) I hope that your injections work!
I think Rogaine is not safe for anyone wanting to get pregnant or who might get pregnant, so check out that part. Also, I don't know if it will help alopecia. Let me know if it does!
Thank you Tallgirl, if it work's i'll let you know!
Hang in there... you've got so many people here that care and will to listen to you. I know that doesn't fix the problem but hey, I think it may make you feel better. :)
Lotsa love.
Thanks Andrea, so glad I am here!
Hi Connie,

I'm sorry that you're diagnosed with alopecia, it is a frustrating disease but nevertheless WELCOME to ALOPECIA WORLD! I've heard about rogain, never tried it neither did I read more about it. The only predictable about alopecia areata is unpredictable. However, I can see that you have a supportive family, all of them feel sad when you're sad, thats a genuine family with love! I do understand it does feel like you shouldnt be saying too much about alopecia when you're around your family, thats why I'm thankful for alopecia world. You're never alone eventhough you might feel lonely sometimes. Its okay to cry (you dont hear it often from a guy) because its an expression that could help to relieve some pain and sadness in our hearts (not everyweek though). Continue to live life to the fullest, there is going to be some glitches here and there, a day or two...but at the end of the day, you are still who you are no more, no less except that you're going to be stronger person. I'm in the learning process myself. Take care and God bless! Keep in touch.
dear connie, we all completely understand what you're going through because we've either been there or are going through it now. i was diagnosed w/ aa officially end of july and like you, i cried and cried. let me tell you, it's absolutely, OK to cry. even now, aa has been a huge personal struggle for me because of its lack of cure, its unpredictability, and what its done to my personal self esteem. but we can't control what's happening to us, we can only take each day, one at a time, some days will be fine, others will be bearable, and some feels like the end of the world. but we'll hold our heads high, and we'll continue to move forward and not let this disease rob us anymore! =) i wish you the best connie and hang in there, we're all here!
Connie - you're not alone. Everything you're feeling, the anger, the crying, the loss of self....it's all familiar to me and many others here. My husband was very supportive when I suddenly lost all my hair in early 2008, but even he didn't understand the depth of my emotional upset and how long it would take me to come to terms with the "new me".

Please give yourself a break. Allow yourself to deal with it, and to feel whatever you're feeling, and just take it a day at a time. Believe me, it does get easier, and it does get better. I'm at such a different place right now than I was a year ago.

Take care,

My 8 year daughter was diagnosed 4 months ago. I would much rather it were me and take that from her. I was devastated but it is true that she isn't dying though my reaction was such that it was as if she were. I have to keep reminding myself on the days I get stressed about it that she will be fine and that it isn't something really bad like cancer. My own sister died at 15 years old of cancer so I really understand how horrible that would be. Try to keep your spirits up with the thought that you are otherwise healthy and that you have a wonderfull family. It's always better to see how fortunate you are rather than dwell on what you don't have.

OMG!, OMG! OMG!! My hair is starting to fall out all over my body. I can feel it. I have a burning sensation all over that is constanctly moving. Not like I am in agony but like I rubbed a jolpeno pepper on my skin. My skin is slightly red and swelled. The hair on my arms is almost gone. All the fine hairs on my face are gone. My eyebrows are starting to fall out. I see a lot of white skin where there was once an eyebrow. The bald spots of my head are getting bigger and are stinging a lot. They hurt the worst. I wish this would stop!! I feel like I am going crazy!
I'm so sorry to hear that your alopecia is causing you pain! When my hair fell out I didn't experience any of that, but when new hairs grow in I get SUPER itchy. It also seems as though your alopecia is coming on fast and furious...this is interesting because for most people it takes a little while for things to fall out (Took me 3 years before I was totally bald). This is definately something I would mention to your dermatologist, as something just doesn't seem right to me. Wishing you the best of luck.



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