Hi my name is steph i am 20 and have AA. I have had AA for just over 2 years now, i first noticed a bald spot when my friend was dying my hair i was completley destroyed as my hair was everything to me. It then got worse and worse at one point 80% of my hair was gone. I was giving steriod ointment which to me was a god send!! I eventually got rid of all the spots and was completley clear until one day i found a tiny little spot but as we all know with AA they dont stay as tiny little spots they grown at an amazing pace until i had 5 massive spots around my head. They have now started to grow back but as they are doing that more little spots are appearing which is gutting. I have also lost half of one of my eyebrows has anyone ever experienced this before?

I have good days and very down days because i sit there and watch my friends shove their hair up or just get up and go out with out having to do anything to it but i cant even tie my hair up without spending half hour to make sure everything is covered. I find the only way i cope with it on them bad days it to laugh about it, i make jokes out of it and am very open and honest about it. I am lucky as i am able to cover up the spots so most people dont have a clue i have it but i know for soe of you this is not possible and you are the people i admire.

If anyone has had the same thing with their body hair growth slowing down or eybrows/eyelashes falling out when they havent experienced it before it would be really helpful if you have any information?

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