Hey iv got about a cm of peach fuzz looking white hairs on the orginal (first) bald patch,
I bet it varies from person to person,
but how long has it taken for your couler to come back in this situation?

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I was born with medium brown hair that became dark brown by first grade. After AU and AT, whatever sparse hair I get now is pure white, probably forever.

Color. If I want it now, I get it in wigs, clothing, make-up, scarves and jewelry!
I got the peach fuzz too, and it eventually grew dark and thick. I noticed the fuzz in about April and where that was growing started to turn into dark normal hair in about july, and was fully thick and growing like crazy in September. So basically now where I have hair i have hair, where I do not have hair I have absolutely no hair. I see some white peach fuzz coming in other places, who knows what will happen next! Good Luck!
thanks for that,
yeah im prety sure its growing back in the orginal places



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