
My name is Sarah Seward, I am a 25 year old who has had Alopecia for 5 years in October. I have been working side by side with Missouri State Senator Claire McCaskill. One of our biggest issues at hand is that Medicare and Medicaid do not cover cranial prosthetics to those of us with Alopecia. I need someone who has been turned down by there insurance and I can turn the claim into Senator McCaskill; at that point the insurance wil have to give her a reason as to why it was denied. It would be preferable if they were from Missouri, but anyone at this point would be amazing.

Thank you for your time,

Sarah Seward

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Hello Sarah

It might be helpful if you contact some of the Freedom Independent Agents and see if they can contact anybody that has been denied by their insurance.  Go to www.freedomwigs.com then to the 'contact us' page.

I'm sure they will be able to help.


Thank you so much Rosy!



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