For the past couple of days I’ve been having a feeling that something is crawling on my head or if someone is touching me .I lost all my hair about 4 or 5 yrs ago I don’t even know anymore Cause stopped counting but when I’m home I always have a beenie on. It’s weird it’s on the very top of my head .I’ve never felt it before I keep looking back thinking it’s the cat messing with my beenie or someone is behind me it even happens when I have nothing on my head has anyone else ever felt this? 

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yes natural no sulfate shampoos and apple cider vinegar on flare-ups help but the herbal lotion from barbarafrank222 cures it.

Thank you all for your input  the last few days I haven’t felt anything. So I think it just may be phantom hair sensations but I don’t know  .But I am considering getting the shingles vaccine because as much as I hate to admit I am at that age ! Lol but who knows I’m just happy it stopped! ♥️



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