Hey guys,
I wanted to get this out to people. I know there isn't a cure out there but there are many treatments out there which say they can cure alopecia. I have done my fair share of them in the past and sadly I still got that shinning head. And my mental health really hit rock bottom because I hoped that my hair would grow back. And I would like to tell people its in your right to try cures but make sure your mind is prepared for it. I don't know for anyone else but personally I put in too much hope of my hair growing back in the past. Too much hope sometimes that I fall down bad.Thus one reason to why I say alopecia I can handle it. Cures I run a mile in the opposite direction. It got to the point where I couldn't look at shampoo bottles anymore and I hated seeing those bottle which said it helped reduce hair loss. The only thing that got me back from t he dark side was my dad.He looked at me and if I could I would give you my hair and I would live with your condition. I want you to be happy. And that's what everyone of you should be is happy come what may. I know you miss your hair but don't give up and even if you don't try cures. You have the power to help other people cope or even starting your own group which tries to kick the doctors to get started on that research. And when you try cures make sure its because you want it not anyone else. I had a friend trying to force cures down my throat every moment she could. And it was horrible. Now you guys know my weakness. I ain't all perfect nor will I ever be. But at least I am happy. But I got better with looking at cures. I glare at them now.. Sorry people I am a gone case but I can support people if they want that cure as long as it makes you happy and its what you want to do. I only disagree with cures is because I hate scams and people who play around with people's feeling to get money. Be weary people of those who scam. Find out if someone has tried it and if they were any results. Do your homework on it and if it works for ya. I am happy for you. Now you know my adventure with cures? how did yours go? P.s worse cure ever. Witch doctor. Don't ever visit one. Run a mile or 100000 if you see one.

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I've never used treatments or medications for my daughters hairloss. Her hair has come and gone continually over the last 8 years.

My mind set around the medications and treatments currently available is that they don't work consistently for all people. Therefore each choice has to be investigated if you feel you want to try it.

From my personal investigations the only thing that has some vague consistency is the use of steroids, but they have some major downsides. You can not use them long term and often when you stop using them the hair you have grown falls out again. They also have the ability to cause major medical issues with those that use them.

Treatments (snake oils etc) - in the last 8 years I have never seen anything that has been proven to actually work consistently and persistently for all that use it.

I often think if I had tried treatments or medications I would have thought my daughters hair had regrown because of what I may have been using. I used nothing and her hair has grown back fully twice and partially three times. Alopecia goes in and out of remission (this is a fact for many dealing with it). People that sell treatments/cures depend on that fact in my mind.

I support anybody who feels the need to try what is available on the market but as Tan B says be very careful with yourself as the expectation and lack of results can be more difficult than the condition you are trying to cure.

Until the medical field can probably figure out the immune system and how it works, then there can never truly be a "cure". And when that happens its not only the alopecia world that will be cured, it will be all those other and more damaging autoimmune diseases that will be cured. I would love a cure but not at the cost of my self esteem and confidence and happiness. Yes there will always trial and error, and I believe alot of those today "cures" forget to mention that to those lining up for it. One thing that we must remember also when we here that someone cured their alopecia, this could also be a stage of remission. We have all seen and read, even right here where someones alopecia remissioned for a period of time.
For once in my life I am happy with my alopecia and I will fight to keep that feeling with me. Im with you Tan !!!! You get it right everytime.
What ever anyone chooses makes sure it is what will make you happy, remind yourselves that most cures are just going to be treatments and most importantly do not get too sad if it doesnt work, remember what makes you happy and dont be afraid to lean on your friends and family.
I hate when people and doctors say its all because of stress. I was going thru a 3 year very bad depression, I was even suicidal for a time. And during that entire time not one single bald spot. If alopecia was all from stress then like you said Man, there would be alot more people out there with alopecia. I will always say stress is a contributor to alopecia but stress is a contributor to alot of other ailments. To say its the main cause, I believe is wrong.
Our bodies is a complex mystery, one which probably will never be totally understood. For what works for one may not work for another. But in that I find the beauty of ourselves. What makes us unique and yet of the same species is a beautiful mystery. I like not "fitting in with the norm" We are beautifully unique.
Hey I feel similar about the scams - they just use this hurtful situation. As they say the sinking would grab to a straw. And any opportunity that may get your hair back seems as a cure. I have been using prednizolon for 3 months and it helped, but I can't drink it all the time so when I stop the hair is falling out again...
The one of the most interesting "cures" I tried was onion juice. I guess for some people it works but for me it was just funny - after about 3 weeks when the weather was moist I could still smell onion:D It was just funny - I felt like chipolino:D
Great discussion! I just saw it today. I agree absolutely with everything you said, Tan.

Since about 6 months ago, I've been experiencing a regrowth of my eyebrows, lashes, and some fuzzies on top of my head. I've been totally hairless for a couple of years, and changed NOTHING in my diet or stress level. As you all know, this just happens.

BUT, if I'd tried some kind 0f snake oil "cure" 6 months ago, I'd be "evidence" for the product.

Run in the opposite direction. Until there are scientific, controlled, double-blind studies that prove something causes our hair follicles to spring back to life, there is no cure.
Did I hear menopause! Just like "MENOPAUSE' we can't stop that either.
So maybe it's time we all just accept life without hair, after all we can't change that, which we have no control over.
Meaning, just go with the flow and begin to enjoy yourself, instead of running around like a chicken without it's head ... trying to find cures that may only be temporary for some and not for others.....



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