I'm interested to hear back from anyone who has tried a combination therapy of Cyclosporine A and Prednisolone as treatment for Alopecia Areata/Universalis. If you have tried this combination, can you please list your dosage, length, and results of this therapy.

If you have tried only Prednisolone in the past as therapy, can you please list dosage, length, and side effects.

If you have tried only Cyclosporine A in the past as therapy, can you please list dosage, length, and side effects.


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I used prednisone as treatment for AU about 15 years ago. The dosage I started with was about 50 mg and once the hair started to come back they weigned me down. Eventually with about 95% regrowth I was down to about 10 mg. Once I came off the prednisone the hair left with it. The side effects for me were minimal. I had weight gain especially in the face, headaches, and just an overall swollen look to me. I suppose that was the steroids doing there job. It was just a temporary fix and now I decided to just forego the treatments and custom make my hair and keep going.
Cheers for the reply, Trina. I wasn't planning on going so high with the dosage of prednisolone. Thanks again for the response and sharing your experience. I'm surprised a doctor would prescribe such a high dose for such a harmless disease. Some doctors should be examined for their practices and methods!
Is it safe to say that no person on this website has been treated with a combination of the drugs Cyclosporine A and Prednisolone? If so, I'm very surprised at this. Has everyone accepted that they will be bald for life?

I have had alopecia areata/universalis for the past 10 years. I have continued to live my life in full joy and with full enthusiasm. I have not let hair get in the way of things! However, I have not accepted AU as being the end all, be all of me and that there is no temporary solution.

Has anyone read the studies of low dose prednisolone with cyclosporine A? Please, I ask again, has anyone tried this combo therapy and what results have you had?
Most people realize that alopecia is not harming their health. They weigh the risks of medications and conclude that a zero risk of adverse events is the amount of risk they feel is appropriate for themselves.
That's great. I take it that you haven't tried this treatment then? The dosage that this combination of drugs uses is so minimal that side effects are nil. I guess sitting around hoping is better for some than for me.
If you wish to analyze my posts and how I feel about alopecia please feel free to do so. However, I'm simply asking for those who have tried the combination of drugs mentioned to reply. I feel very sorry for those who have been misguided by their doctors into such idiotic drug treatments and have payed a price for doing so.

I'm quite aware of the risks associated with certain drug treatments so many of you have tried. I have had AU for 10+ years and have yet to try such treatments (any treatment) due to the side effects associated with them or the lack of provable results. And, I refuse to let a "doctor" push me into such treatments. However, I am not giving up on new and safe treatments with provable results.

Think of me what you will. I have never changed one section of my to deal with AU... to me it's a part of my life, forever. But, who's to say that solving AU is not suppose to be a part of my life, too!

I dont think that she meant that we should continue to pump our bodies but people cope in different ways. Because you choose to accept Alopecia some people have a harder time doing so. I have had Alopecia a lot longer than most people and there are days when I dont feel like dealing. I think we have to be accepting that each person deals with strife differently. I could care less for the most part because I do my own hair and hell no one knows but me. But there are many here who will forever be learning to adjust and that is ok. The one thing about coming here is learning to support, understand, and deal with each other. Heck I prefer not shaving my legs but someone might want to do it...
Perfectly put!



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