I took my daughter to see her pediatrician, for a bald spot on her head. She is 8.  He took a quick look and said it was Alopecia and referred us to a Dermatologist at St. Louis Childrens Hospital.  I am just concerned because shouldn't he of run some blood work to make sure there is no obvious underlying cause?  I questioned it and he said no because it looked like the hair follicles were completely gone.  We can't get into the specialist until August and I am not sure how I can go about getting a second opinion or if I should be patient and wait?  

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If your clinician won't do the panels of blood test to find out what is off- look up a Naturopath Doctor- they are all over the country and are highly educated- they go to med school but then get another degree in botanical, nutritional, and homeopathic therapies. Read all the reviews on any particular dr and then make an appt. you won't be sorry but if you can't even do that or must wait a long period, cut out as many and as much gluten products and the 10 Worst Foods (dr Glidden on YouTube) and get Youngivety multivitamins or another very good liquid multivitamin from GNC or another high quality company. You won't be sorry and you won't be throwing your time, emotion or money out the window! And you won't regret it- I promise!!!!

Great thankyou!  My daughter is def handling it better then me. I just have that mom intuition that something else is wrong.  I worry about something being wrong and hurting her some other way I guess. and if its something I am feeding her hurting her I def want to know and stop.  So I am going to try a Naturopath Doc next.  The derm we went to even said it seemed unusual that her spots were not perfectly round and her scalp is a little brown where the hair is missing he seemed really puzzled by that but didn't bother doing anything else. 

I know exactly what you mean and how your feeling. I was in shock and dumbfounded by how the doctors were so unemotional or unconcerned about it. I can't imagine how you felt having a beautiful little girl going through this- your doing better than me. It took me weeks to finally get on this website. I did break down and cried because I knew this was the tip of the iceberg and it had finally reared it's ugly head and not even the doctors could ignore my pleading that something just wasn't right with my Logan. When I finally started researching nutrition and Naturopathic doctors it all just fit. After we found Team Clinic and they did his blood work things finally started to make sense and guess what - we just started to see hair starting to see a tiny hair growing back- it's been 3 month since his change of diet and all his vitamins and only 2 weeks of steroid cream and Rogain - although the drs all warned us that there was a chance that hair may or may not grow back! Good luck, take the time you need and then don't stop till you get her healthy and her hair back!!! Sending prayers your way !

Did any of your childrens bald spots turn brown? My daugthers is and I don't know if its tanning or what?  The doctor seemed a little puzzled by it too...not super brown just like a big freckle or like a light birth mark?

My sons head did burn enough just to turn it red then it got brown. It is a little darker but make sure your not using any products with sulfates on her head and do not blow dry or use heat- told by a wonderful hairstylist that had seen many alopecia clients! Good luck! And remember no sunscreen -it's wear hats that are loose!
No sunscreen I did not know any of that...we used sunscreen
I know its just so hard and we really shouldn't have to deal with this kind of thing- but at least today we have computers and these blogs. Just remember the hair and skin cells are being attacked by their own bodies immune system whatever the reason (for many it's due to nutrition and food issues) so we have to take great care of the skin and hair follicles and the fewer things to react with them, the better it can heal. Think of it being severely compromised and sensitive - especially to heat and harsh chemicals- like a babies.

can you get in to see a dermatologist or endocrinologist?  your pediatrician should be able to order bloodwork to look for a thyroid issue.  don't wait!!!!!

We have seen pediatrician and dermatologist and they didnt do anything. I think I will try endocrinologust next?
Look up a Naturopath dr in your area- you truly won't be sorry! They are a full licensed doctor with tons of further schooling in nutrition and wholistic medicine!
I did but cant find any that take insurance :(
I know it's so hard to pay out of pocket but you'll get the best info/ they spend time with you and explain so much more than any dr will. We have spent so much money that we don't have either but when you get the info sooner, the sooner you can stop the damage and hair loss. Just check and see if they can work out some kind if payment plan as we were able to do and with all the company's and time we spent on all the traditional drs we could have paid for a few full cash dr appt with the Naturopath dr. Frustration is also a cost to consider- some drs were worthless!



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