I know there has been a lot of discussion about this topic, however not recently. Since studies prove that this is probably the most effective treatment, I have started this some weeks ago and hope there are some people out here that have experience with this and can answer some questions or share their experience.
- I am reacting perfect (mild rash, etc.) - on 0,1% dose. When can you expect first sign of growth?
- I did developed a full body rash 2 weeks ago and I've read that this is a good sign, however it's been 9 weeks since sensabilisation, but I have no results yet, not a single new hair. Am I being impatient?
- I also had very painful swollen lymph nodes. This means that the immune system is triggered. Anyone experienced this and had growth?
- I'm still losing hair (18% left), is this normal? It terrifies me:-(.
- What does a first sign of growth look like?
Anyone please share their thoughts/experience?
That doesn't sound promising, Bibby:-(. Did you develop a full body rash as well? I have a constant itch all over. I can live with that (only) if my hair will grow back. 6 weeks is also fast to develop hair, so that was a good sign then. I still don't see growth, except from some faint hairs on my arms and stomache. I hope there are some positive stories out here...
I had all over body rash wish I could tolerate and at the time I viewed the rash as a positive as the drug was taking effect. My rash 1st appeared after week 3 (6th treatment) . The positive story may be you. If you have a rash then your body is reacting as it should to the treatment and you are showing evidence of some small hair regrowth. Your delay of 9 weeks for a hair regrowth may be also a good sign of longer term hair regrowth than myself. If the hair grows back and grows back thick,according to my nurse at the time, then all you will need is a maintenance treatment a few times a month.
I so hope you are right, Bibby. I'm so desperate; tried everything. I lost 80% of my hair after giving birth. The steroid shots worked in the beginning, but then it got worse. I also go the hospital, but my derm said that every 2 weeks is fine as well (I told her that everywhere I read it's weekly). I do need the 2 weeks to heal, though. I'm on 0,1% dose. My rash started 6 weeks after treatment. I had hives all over, now it's almost gone, but the itch remains. If dcp doesn't work, there's not a lot left; Xeljanz won't be in Europe until 2018:-(. I can't stand wearing a wig; it's just not me...How much hair did you have when you started this treatment? Are you considering doing it again? I've read that some people need as much as 6-8 months, but that eventually everyone should see growth. Thanks for your reply!
Yeah, its true about Xeljanz , I went to my derm and they didnt know anything about Xeljanz or pretended not to know anything about it. Xeljanz is my main hope that I am holding out for. I had severe AA at the time of my DPCP treatment. About 75% LOST. I am presently 100% scalp hair LOST and now eyebrows are going too. I have a pretty amazing wig which is shaved down very short but I feel fake wearing it. The hair quality in some lights can also look unrealistically shiny which gives away the game. Not my bag really. I am currently starting a regime of system clearing/diet change/and Rogaine 3 times a day to see if improvement can be achieved. If this fails I will consider going back to DPCP and hopefully gain hair for next summer. Please keep us updated to your response to the DPCP treatment. A rash after 6 weeks is a good reaction time so you are having a response so hair regrowth should be the next phase of the treatment. The IL-2 interleukin treatment and Xeljanz are on the horizon and look very promising once they both clear in Europe hopefully 2018.
I will keep you posted on here! 2018 is such a long time to wait:-(. There's also dr Brotzu's lotion, hopefully that will be on the market earlier although I'm a little bit sceptical about the success.
Hi Buddy, sorry to cut in on this tread, but could you tell me who is your dermatologists is, I live in Donegal and can't find anybody that knows or wants try anything for alopecia, thanks Ben
- I had first regrowth only 3/4 weeks after first rash but only tiny white hair. they became darker after another month.
- I have also an enlarged lynph node an the back of my head ( only one)
- I think you lose air till the scalp zone are "clear" from lymphocytes
- first growth are white air ( for me)
Hi Mattia r, thanks for your reply! Question: how bad was your AA (how much hair left)? So, it's normal to lose hair for a while, because the lymphocytes need to go away? I don't have hair on my scalp yet, but I do on my arms. Not a lot, though. It's been 11 weeks. Did all of your hair grow back on dcp? Would you recommend it?
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