Please help! I recently purchased a synthetic, stretch base wig and finally had the courage to leave my unit for the first time in 6 months and brave the world. I had the worst day as this wig was incredibly uncomfortable, itchy, hot, slipping and I was so self conscious all day, constantly fiddling and running to bathrooms to check if it had slipped into some ridiculous position. I spent the evening crying in desperation along with a very sore an irritated scalp. I would be so grateful if some other ladies could help with some suggestions on other types of wigs they wear that are comfortable and look natural please. I live in Australia and we dont have a great selection of wig outlets, makers or options, I cant even find a salon in Qld that deals in lace wigs! Thank you so very much for any help, I really am most grateful.

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Some people find synthetics very uncomfortable- itchy, etc. I have heard some people have better luck after washing it. I am a little sensitive on synthetics myself. I have a human hair jacquelyn. I was a little uncomfortable when I first starting wearing it. Self conscious, slightlyy hot, headaches, sometimes itchy etc. I think it was at least 50 % mental. I tried all sorts of things. In the end, my head just got used to it. I know that isnt helpful but maybe try a HH?
Hi Amy,

Thank you so much for your help & nice to meet you. Your wig looks stunning! I will google jacquelyn & check out the options there. Would you mind posting again and letting me know what type of base your wig has please? Is a HH high maintenance? I know they are expensive but I really dont care I just want something that is 'comfortable' and doesnt look like I have a bush on my head! Your wig is actually how my hair use to be before this nightmare so I would be thrilled to have something similar to my old style. Thanks again Amy :)
Hi Dee, the wig in the pix is actually a Noriko Angelica. The girls at the wig shop were fooling around and made me a blond, briefly. Its synthetic, I did buy a similar one (Lindsey) to try on a trip for going on water slides- I dont want my HH wig in chlorine. I will let you know if I go crazy with synthetic still. I well might.

My Jaquelyn is different. I would be happy to send you some pix of it if you want to send me your email.

I really have only worn HH on a daily basis so as far as upkeep, well its is so much easier than natural hair I guess I dont see an issue with it. I wash and style it about once a week and the rest of the time I just sort of spritz it, fluff it up, put barettes in or whatever. But I hear the synthetics always look great - whereas my hair can sometimes react to the weather- but then synthetics fall apart after several months- they tangle etc. For me, the HH wig is easier than my old hair so I am not put off by them.
Thanks Amy! I would love to see some pics of your Jaquelyn, my email is Appreicate all of your posts and assistance, its so nice to connect with others and receive such great support and advice.
Hi Amy,

Just to let you know I actually found a retailer here in Australia for the Jacquelyn Wigs and have an appt with them tomorrow so I am very excited to view the range. Thanks for the tip,appreciated :)
Hi Dee,
See if one of these stretch liners ( like fishnet) will help. It keeps the inside of the wig off your scalp.If you can't find any in Australia I can pop one in the mail to you.

If there are any places in the wig that are especially annoying, make some strips of sticky back moleskin ( that stuff they sell in the foot care section of the drugstore) and place as needed.

Some synthetics are not made with attention to comfort/detail.
For most people with a sensitive scalp, the most comfortable usually turns out to be a high end human hair wig with conventional cap ( they are made many different ways) or a suction wig if you have no hair at all. Those are a big investment, but they last a long time and provide a very high measure of comfort and self confidence.

There are a good number of people here on AW from Australia. You can filter the membership by city,state, country. Do it both with AUS and Australia spelled out as well as cities. You might also try to find more by searching in the AW search box in the top right of each page" Search Alopecia World". See if anyone has wig shop or internet suggestions.

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Hi Thea,

Thank you for all of the information, I really appreciate it. The HH high end sounds like the way to go as I still have a fair amount of hair & dont think I am mentally ready to shave my head for a suction, 'yet'. Thanks for the info on the sticky back moleskin, that sounds like it may help and what a clever idea :)

I was actually wearing a stretch net under my wig yesterday but it is made from a fabric like stockings and it just ended up in a ball in the top of my wig, but thanks so much for the offer to send one to me, really appreciated.

I will try filtering for Australian AW members as that may help me to find a wigmaker somewhere here so thanks for that information. Gosh, it is nice to speak to other woman with the same problem, I have only been dealing with this with my wonderful, supporting partner, hiding away from my girlfriends. It is very comforting to speak to other woman in the same situation. Thanks again for your help :)
Friends and family are wonderful, but there's a limit and they can max out pretty quickly on listening to alopecia stuff.

Other places to ask wig questions are at ( not sure how many from AUS there) or Many women turn wigs inside out and photograph them so you can see how the caps are made.

And remember....if alopecia happened to one of your best friends it would not change anything about how you feel about her personality, her values, her interests. So it's the same with how your friends are thinking about you....they like you for who you are and not what's on or not on your head. So spend time with them again. they'll be delighted to have you back.

I had the same issue with the wig cap- It kept rolling up and made me hotter :-) I just wish they made a wig that FELT like a soft cotton bandana on our heads!
i have a great wig and its from jon renau and its monofilament top...i wear a gel band underneath to help it stay in place and havent had any problems..i love it
Hi Amber,

Thanks so much for posting a reply, really appreciated. Can you tell me if its human hair or synthetic please? I have never heard of the 'gel band'; are they available from most wig suppliers? It sounds like a great idea as that is the main problem I experience "slipping" and it causes the itching and irritation to my scalp, not to mention making the whole experience difficult constantly having to pull & push at it to get it back in place. Thanks for any further help you may be offer Amber :)
it is synthetic and i have seen the gel bands online in a few places and it works well



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