I was diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia and from what my understanding of it is that it seems that i am loosing my hair mostly on my temples and crown and front area. i have lost alot of it in the last 7 seven months at least have of my hair has fallen out. it just started coming out in hand fulls from one day to another. I have cried and cried my eyes out so much and I have seen so many Doctors and they have did so many test but every test they have done has came back normal. the only they have said is us minoxidil and come back in 6 months. well i tried to use minoxidil but unfortunately was not able to continue using it due to the severe itching and dandruff it caused me.

Now for the in the last 2 weeks or so I did notice a few peach fuzz like hairs growing around my scalp and i am sort of confused. so anyone out there know if with androgenetic alopecia is it possible to have new hair growth regrow? any sort of help is truly appreciated

thank you

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how long did you use the rogain for? because it could have started to regrow some hair, problem is that you stopped so it will probably fall out. i too have this and sadly there is not much to do but rogain and spiro to try to slow down the progression. it takes time to see if it actually works. you could have tried nizarol for the flaking and itching you can get that at a drug store. i am not using anything right now but i know alot about treatments ive sat in front of the computer researching this so much i should write a book. well hold your head up its a hard thing to go thru but it will get easier.
Hi Tiffany P,

Thank you for responding I used the minoxidil for about 2 week it was about 3 months ago and i just could stand the itching and flaking. but the new hair growth that i just started noticing was just in the last 2 weeks. It has been really recent.

What have you been doing or what type of things have you tried because I myself have sat in front of my computers for endless months, weeks and hours....

and tomorrow i have and appt. with my 3rd dermatologist
I have not done anything really accept wash my hair with nizarol 2 percent, was going to try spirolactone but i am not crazy about how it makes me feel and you need to be up to adleast 100 mg to really start slowing down the androgens in your body and 200 mg is ideal. and rogain seems expensive and alot of people have a shed from it and even then its not 100 percent to work not to say that it doesnt work for many. I guess i have been so bummed i dont know if i should let it run its course and then just cut my hair off when the time comes and get a wig or take Spiro for a while and fight the side effects or buy rogain and just see what happens. sigh I too went to many different derms but in my heart i knew what it was its just hard to accept because my family all seems to have there hair even grandparents had full heads of hair, some wanna just say stress, and some will tell you its the season in the end they always tell you to get rogain and hand you their bill. best thing is to just take care of you,alopecia whatever its form is so draining but i know we will get thru this and come out stronger in the end. there are things we can try but cant wait for the day they come up with a cure



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