I was on tri-estarylla for about 2 years then I switched to the Nexplanon implant during the middle of June 2017 and I got it removed during the middle of December 2017. During middle of September, I started experiencing excessive hair loss and it has not subsided since I removed Nexplanon. I got a biopsy in January 2018, the results said I had chronic inflammation with some scarring and it is believed to be androgenetic alopecia. My blood results are normal, hormone levels too, and there is no family history of any sort of hair loss. The only symptoms I have is that my scalp gets very irritated like red and I have a lot of dandruff which I have never had either of these problems until November 2017. I was wondering if this happened to anyone else? Will this stop? Also, my doctors said I could go back on the tri-estarylla but I am scared it will exacerbate my hair loss. I'm only 20 years old and I do not know what to do, this diagnosis consumes every day of my life. 

I am currently being seen by a dermatologist, but she is not acting as swiftly as I would like her. I started the steroid injections in my scalp which I will receive every 4 weeks, rogain twice a day and ducray anaphase shampoo. However, rogain is turning the hair I have white in some areas. 

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