My spots are closing up; so I think it's safe to say it's growing. Here's the thing, I'm not really seeing not much length. Is this normal, the length to be very slow? The spots are very slow too. I would like to know more about the growth of length. I sometimes still feel a little burning. Oh nooooo.

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I have the same issue, about 3 years of AA and shots, suddenly I got the little white hairs, they were not as dense and grew at about 1/2 the rate of my normal hair, when I shave my head the area's with the less dense slower growing hair appeared like a regular AA spots with out hair growth... My Derm told me to hang in there and they would turn to "normal" but honestly, they have not at all...
I didn't really get white hair growth. Maybe one one or two. It's been growing in my hair color. Who knows.. It's crazy.



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