Hi everyone! I need your help, please. I moved to VA back in Aug, from NYC. I had an incident in Nov, when I was excersizing, I could not catch my breath. I was told I have asthma, and I was put on Sytmbicort. I also found out that I was allergic to dust mites and pollen. However, I NEVER had asthma before in my life! I have only had alopecia and rheuhmatic fever ( immune system thinks you have a virus, that isnt there). Anyway, they increased my symbicort, and I had chest pain right after that for a couple months. I have had a lot of different tests, including stress test, Pulmonary test, Endoscope, countless breath tests. As of right now, I have "slight" asthma due to allergies. ( I have had attacks all winter) It just doesnt make much sense to me, and I think the doctors may be overlooking something. My throat feels like its closing up when I have these attacks, and its hard to breath. Also, it feels like the wind is knocked outta me sometimes. Has anyone had these symptoms? Is it really asthma? Why would I just develope it out of no where at age 29?

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Hi Lee,

Happened to me. I never had asthma or any allergies other than an allergy to dandelions my whole life. About 10 years ago I house sat one long haired cat and developed acute asthma. Have been more sensitive to all allergens since then. Not that it's fun, but at least it's normal that reactions can start up at any time. I have a low dose inhaler that helps calm things down when my airway is irritated.

The sensitivity to things in the environment that trigger asthma can go away as suddenly as they appear, too.

I hope yours goes away soon.

thanks for the info Thea! What is the difference between acute asthma and regular?
Acute has sudden onset compared to chronic which is ongoing all the time. I don't have the heaviness or wheezing all the time so it's not chronic. It crops up with specific triggers....like some cats, fresh eucalyptus leaves....and sometimes I can't tell what it's from. When I get voice hoarseness for no reason and it doesn't go away, it usually goes hand in hand as a symptom of my mild asthma so I go back on the inhaler to calm down the airway...it takes a few weeks and usually works.

Unfortunately, our environment is so full of stuff nowadays, there's often no way to figure out a cause. You can start with covering mattresses and pillows with anti-mite covers, giving everything a high heat wash, damp rag all exposed surfaces, stop using humidifiers and de-humidifiers which can harbor allergens, do all the things you can to eliminate allergens in the house and hope for the best!

Ive done all the things you listed above. ; )
Its hard for me to tell whats causing it because its still so new to me...Im still confused as to how they diagnose asthma. I tool a PFT and it came out normal, and many breath tests, that came out normal, thats what makes me wonder. I do wheeze sometimes, not often though.
Ill go to my allergy doc this week for more answers. I just wanted to see if there were any auto immune diseases out there that I could be missing
Hi, Lee.Hmmm.. I have asthma and allergies.. I know they say that asthma can develop later in life, but i've had mine since i was a kid.. I think that we are our best advocates,and if you feel something isn't right, see if you can get another dr's opinion.. I've seen in many instances,with both myself and others, where another opionion was obtained, and the initial diagnosis that the dr mad was wrong! sigh.. I pray you feel better and that you are able to obtain the correct diagnosis!
dont know really, but as for asthma - u can develop it at any time. my sister was fine and then in her late 20's had to be rushed to the hospital due to a bad asthmatic reaction. my dad was in his seventies when he developed an allergy to feather pillows. so it can happen at any time.

dont be sorry...actually makes me feel better...that maybe I can beleive those doctors! I just started Advair...seems to be working. Asthma is terrible...would rather have alopecia ANY day!
Advair works as both an anti inflammatory for the irritated airway and as a bronchodilator. Use as directed and don't overuse it. It will quiet the current acute condition so you'll feel much better. I hope you're feeling better!

Studying medicine saw a woman have her first asthma attack at 42 years of age. It can happen at anytime. Speak to your doctors, it may be worth getting an asthma management plan and measuring peak flows.
lotsa luck
I had asthma as a kid and then through my late teens through my twenties I didn't have any noticable issues until at age 32 I caught a cold that lead to Bronchitus. I then went on Advair and Albuterol inhalers for a couple years.
It's gotten much better now but I have to manage it.
It's not fun to have an attack at the 200' level while doing work on a communications tower so I keep an Albuterol inhaler in my climbing bag just in case.
Cold weather and allergens seem to trigger it.

I've also found that some symptoms of asthma such as the tight chest and wheezing cough after waking up can be attributed to sleep apnia that causes stomach acids to be inhaled into the lungs while sleeping. It doesn't sound like you have this problem though, just some fyi.
Thanks everyone! Going for another test soon. Its good to know that others have developed it later in life. Sometimes my chest hurts from the inhalers too. Its called costocondritis...where the cartilage in my chest becomes inflamed. Anyone ever have this before from inhalers?



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