My 8 yr old daughter was diagnosed with AA in April when she had the typical round AA patch.  It was ok for about 2 months and easy to cover.  However during the past 6 weeks she has had rapid hair loss over her entire scalp.  We are at the point of almost shaving as she has about 80-90% loss now.  I can't believe how fast this has progressed.  She has also lost all of her upper eyelashes on her right eye. 

My question is:

With hair loss on entire scalp and loss of eyelashes, does this mean she has another form of Alopecia and not AA?

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I am wondering the same thing for myself. I was diagnosed with traction alopecia because I was wearing braids for a while and it was damaging my hair. I have now lost about 80-90% of my hair but I am also losing eyelashes and some of my eyebrows as well...I'm wondering if I'm progressing into another stage of alopecia? I have no idea what's going on.



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