I waited four months and spent close to $3,000 for a custom made wig from High Definition Hair. 

At first, I was thrilled with my new hair...but that only lasted  a month. The hair started to look so lackluster and frizzy very quickly. It was so difficult to style that I made two styling appointments back at the High Definition salon to learn what I was doing wrong. I purchased every one of the numerous styling products recommended and followed the very complicated “High Definition Hair Care Video”  to a T. The appearance of the wig continued to steadily deteriorate and after two months, I could no longer wear it. I brought the wig to another salon and the owner told me that it was not a styling problem, but the hair used to make the High Definition Wig was just poor quality hair!

A separate issue was that the wig did not lie flat on my scalp after I washed it and needed to be taped down. Overall, a true disappointment after spending so much money and waiting so long.

i am back to wearing lace front synthetic hair wigs that always look fabulous and couldn’t be happier. They may only last two months, but if you stock up during a sale from one of the multiple online wig companies, it becomes very affordable. There is nothing more convenient to be able to wash your wig at night...and just shake it out in the morning and it looks perfect.

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