Hello to all that may read this.  I have never blogged or joined any chat room of amy sort so I am hoping that this gets posted and some responses come back to me.  I have a 13 year old with several bald patches from AA.  In the summer of 2012, we first discovered three areas which were successfully treated with cortisone shots during a seventh month period.  Although the dermatologist at Children's Hospital that has been treated him assures me, heighten stress levels did not cause his reoccurrence.  We have started a 7 week course of prednisone (70mg, 60 mg, 50mg, etc) and I am finding less fallen hair in his bed, shower, couch and other frequented spots.  We have no way of knowing whether these meds have yet arrested the hair follicle fallout  and if we will ever get regrowth.  I am wondering is anyone out there has had success with the prednisone (totally understand the risks and limited use of such drug).  Lastly, has anyone tried DPCP?  My thanks, Nicole

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I'm a 24 yr old female  A few years back I tried DPCP I was a University student and had a volleyball scholarship.  My alopecia was very bad, I shaved because I barely had hair.  DPCP is a strict regimen and I almost had all my hair back, but continued shaving.  My hair is naturally very thin and light in color so it hadn't filled out completely.  But I had to play volleyball two weeks in a row and couldn't use DPCP.  Right away on the top of my head a circle of fallen hair and getting bigger, so I quit.  You can't sweat with that stuff on; my mom put the DPCP on Friday and on Sunday I would take it off.  After so many months, and for missing two treatments right away my hair started to fall out again, I just stopped.  My mother did worry about the long time effects, but the choice was mine.

I read a few months ago a man had used it for a lot  of years but then it just stopped working for him.  

Well this was  my experience, not everyone may have the same.  

I really really hope everything works out  :D


Franchesca Nichole



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