Everyone always thinks I'm going through cancer treatments

Do most of you get approached with questions about what kind of cancer you have just because they see you are bald? It happens to me every time! It's frustrating to explain every time!

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Hi Garden Jess! I feel the same way! I get tired of explaining alopecia but some times if want a little sympathy too! I want to tell them I don't have cancer and my hair is never coming back! People don't understand the emotional stress we face when we are looked at like we are sick!! Disheartening! I don't want to look sick! I want people not to notice me sometimes like I'm normal just like people with hair! Why do we have to hide just to be left alone! I don't approach people if they look a little different! If they want to share give them that right to privacy! If I wanted to tell someone in the checkout line I had alopecia I would! Don't pry into my personal business! Ok I'm done venting now! Glad I'm not alone! Thanks!
Garden Jess,
I am so sorry you had that experience. Please don't feel bad. I have AA newly diagnosed, I have my head shaved and don't hide at all, okay maybe on the occasion that there is one person I don't want to get into a discussion over it with do I cover my head but, other than that no.

For me rather than feeling bad about I am like "wow, the first thing that comes to you is Cancer because I have a scarf on my head" of course there are places where I am not brave enough to actually say this.

Oh my that must be hard but thank g-od its not that serous just smile and tell them the truth.

Yes, I can understand your pain. Even my sister has faced the same thing. But every cancer patient has to go through these phases like, various changes in the body like baldness in the breast cancer. One of my friends suggested me to discover this to get more details about breast cancer treatment.



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