I was diagnosed with AA around two months ago and have lost over 50% of my hair. Emotions aside, I have a real tough question.

How do I know if the stubble all over my bald spots are new hair growth or just exclamation point hairs?

I attached a picture. They seem to make my head kinda feel a little fuzzy and feel as if I just shaved my legs. There are kinda pointy and black, also!

All comments appreciated. :)

P.S. This website has helped me tremendously.

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....just exclamation point hair... in my mind

Hi, I'm 2 years into this adventure and I too have those little brissles all over my head. At first I thought I was about to see new hair and was really happy. Although I do have regrowth, it is only pure white thin and wispy hair so I guess the juries still out. Call me an optimistic but I'm still hopefull. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.  :)



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