It seems that some members have adopted anti-inflammatory diets, including Fuhrman's whole plant foods/nutrarian diet. But has anyone undergone the therapeutic fasting he recommends?

I have FFA (no eyebrows, receding hairline). My hair loss occurred so slowly that I didn't notice it. Recently, I've had a flareup (red, itchy, bumpy scalp) that the dermatologist tried to calm with short-term corticosteroid lotion and a narrow-spectrum antibiotic that has anti-inflammatory properties. I'm looking for a solution that will help get to the cause of this.

I came across anti-inflammatory dietary recommendations in this forum and read Dr. Fuhrman's Fasting & Eating for Health Book. I think I have a fairly plant-heavy diet, but am ready to drastically scale back or eliminate all animal/dairy/oils. However, the chapter on auto-immune diseases in Fuhrman's book (published in '95) recommends that the way to START treatment of auto-immune diseases is with a physician-monitored therapeutic fast (days to weeks of only water, not food), followed by permanent whole plant foods diet. This kind of fast is supposed to allow the gut to heal and give the body time to flush out waste products and the antibodies that are attacking the body (not clear on the science).

I'm overwhelmed at this suggestion.

I'm interested in the idea and will discuss it with my doctor, but I'm not sure I'll get far. It seems you have to go to a special clinic to do this. I currently live in the Netherlands, where doctors are generally cautious about pharmaceuticals and open to more natural treatments, but I'm not sure there are clinics like this in such a small country. 

Does anyone have experience with this kind of "therapeutic fasting"?

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