Hi everyone!

I'm new to this forum, but not so new to alopecia lol
I've had it for roughly 15 years now.

Was hoping for some advice and insight please.

I've always had Areata, falling out and growing back again and again. but since last year, it had started affecting my beard and eyebrows.

The problem I had, was that when I noticed my eyebrows falling, I slightly developed a habit of playing/pulling them, I suppose in some sort of nervous behaviour about it.

Eventually my eyebrows fully went.

But what I'm not sure of, is is it the pulling that caused this or my alopecia? It only fell/pulled once and was gone, so is there a chance of it coming back? Or is that it, from the 1 phase of possible pulling?

I've resorted to semi permanent make-up for now and shortly going on the UKs new approved Ritlecitinib. Hoping for results.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you guys

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