Does anyone know something that could be used to help with eyebrows to grow back. My son has one full one but his other is totally gone, he has such big eyes and eyelashes and always has a hat on that you can only notice if you are close to him or staring at him but when your 3 year old asks why he only has the one , it breaks your heart and makes you wonder does anyone know somethign that they have tried that might work for him

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Hi Kami-

Can you stop by on August 15th to meet me at Chico's, Foothill Village in Salt Lake?

I would like to show you the BGDL powder and sealer I use which keeps the powder in place all day. It might be enough to just give a small smudge to the area if you want to see his face balanced out. He can act out having 2 brows and I suspect will come to the conclusion that having only one is quite alright. Though generally it's better to make your kid feel special and unique for who they are. You can cut out photos of people with no brows or partial brows at all and make a little album to show him he's part of a special group. And most of all - that it's no big deal.If you look around at people's faces, many people have sparse, barely visible and unbalanced brows.

It's hard on the parents to see their children looking different than they expected. The families who navigate this best are the ones who get out in front of it, are very matter of fact and just say some people have big brows, some little, some hairy and some only partly hairy. Step one: convince yourself that it really is no big deal. Step 2: your son, your family and your son's friends will make it a non issue.

I had a school friend with brown hair and a patch right in front with no pigment. Shocking white. Nobody cared. We loved our friend and who he was. That's really all that people care about. Parents have a harder time than their kids with alopecia getting used to these things, but it does get easier and more normalized over time. And there is always the chance that his brows will grow back from time to time.

Cortisone can be used a few times with adults. It is painful. It does not always grow hair.

It often creates visible depressions at the site of injection and can prudently only be done a few times if this occurs.

In many people eyebrows come and go regardless of treatment, so let's hope they come back!

Eyebrow pencil as a cosmetic application. Steroid injections as a treatment.
Hard decisions.....Good luck!!!

Its a very difficult situation but I'm totally against if you decided to shave another side of the eyebrow to make it look even (eyebrow has some difference in term of the physiological growth pattern and rate as compared to the hair on the scalp). I believe there is a variety of topical treatments options as well as local cortisone injection on the affected eyebrow to help it grow back. All the best and do keep us updated. Heartbreaking but keep cheering the boy up...he needs to be just himself. Nothing more or nothing less.

God bless

p/s: I agree with others' suggestion too.
There are so many bald headed guys of all ages in the Headbladers gallery at
Last year I was a featured headblader of the month and so was Julia Crittendon, though our photos are no longer up, I don't think.

anyway....have a little mother-son fun project and surf all the photo galleries to see if any of those guys have no brows either. You might find some, especially if they are naturally red-heads or very fair skinned.

If you do find any, let us know...this is a good project for any little boy with alopecia.

Solutions are available, but with him still being a child this may not be a way for him. FYI dermatologist can shoot cortisone in the brow to regrow, I had it done certain patches on scalp and the hair grew back. contact a dermatologists that administer cortisone. hope this helps
I had a few injections of cortisone to the brow but after 3 times my dermatologist said we're done. No growth and the start of some little depressions (very little fat under the skin there).
you can try monoxidil



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