Hi all! Hope you are all doing well. I am getting ready to have permanent eyebros done. Of course I am nervous about doing this and would like to make sure the person I choose has the correct experience. I am in Albuquerque - can anyone here give me some recommendations? I would also travel as well - like to Phoenix, Denver, or someplace relatively nearby. Thanks in advance!

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I have had my eyebrows done as well and am very happy with the results. For mine, I just started searching online and scheduled appts. to talk to them and look at their pictures and read testimonials. Both times (I moved before the second time, which is why I had to find someone else) I managed to find people who had worked on individuals with alopecia. Ask this on the phone before you waste your time going in. Also, I find that mine still need to be penciled in a little bit as they do tend to fade and some spots (tiny ones) just don't take as well-not sure why. Either way, it is great to have them when I wake up and go swimming and every other time. I also got my eyeliner done this year, although I still wear false eyelashes, again it makes me feel more confident when I wake up or swim. Good luck, and do your research. I would imagine between Albuquerque and Santa Fe you should be able to find some reputable.
If anyone in the Los Angeles area is looking I had mine done most recently by Frida (website) http://www.skin-care.com/



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