My dd9 has had alopecia patches off/on since 2.5. She currently has just about a full head of hair. Her eyebrows were doing great inthe middle of August but by the end of the month started to decrease. Is eyebrow loss usually a sign that scalp hair will fall out soon? DD did stop taking her iron (flintstones complete for anemia) for a short time. She also stopped taking claritin due to not needing it for allergies. She has recently started taking both again. Dh and I have always thought those two coincided with her hair growth though she takes them for other reasons.

There is a chance physical stress could be involved since she recently broke two bones in her left forearm and had surgery (broke arm 3 weeks ago, surgery 1 week ago) but I think the eyebrow loss started before then. I'm hoping her eyebrows will stabilize rather than all falling out. DD was more upset about missing her eyebrows last time than she was with her hairloss. Any suggestions for dealing with eyebrow loss in a child? Alopecia really is a roller coaster ride even when things seem fine.

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All I can tell you is that I lost all my hair last Winter, but my eyebrows were fine. THEN end of Spring, after the rest of my hair started filling in, my eyebrow started falling out! I thought it was a fluke, but I am now dealing with most of my hair on my head being gone, too. I'm not sure if one necessarily means that the other is going to fall out, but this was my experience.

Interesting about the Claritin!

Sorry I'm not much help. Best wishes
Hi Lori & Alyssa, I can empathize with you. I am AAU, last year at this time I had AA, then in November I underwent a lumpectomy,(thank goodness all came out ok) having undergone the surgery & being put under anesthesia my Dermatologist suspects this may have triggered the AAU. 4 weeks after the surgery my hair began to fall out, by mid December I looked like I was in the midst of chemo therapy, by January I had lost all my hair. I can close my eyes & see my doctors face to this day when she saw me, she worked me in on the 3rd of January.
At that time I was AT, then in March I started to lose my eyebrows & eyelashes, as you can imagine the other hair followed.
My Dermatologist & Rheumatologist both suspected anesthesia induced alopecia. I could find very little on line regarding it.
I know there is a age difference here but I too was more upset with the loss of my brows & lashes, they are such a part of our face, devoid of them we feel like a manikin.
As an adult I was able to look at options that Alyssa can't look into yet, permanent makeup.
AW has some wonderful links to sites that can assist you in finding alternatives as well as the NAAF.
It's the children I feel for, no one child or adult should ever have to go through this. Let her know she is still beautiful, I certainly think she is. What a smile, Locks of Love might be able to assist you, 888-896-1588,, they may have some ideas as they sale eyebrow makeup & oh, shoot I forget what they call them,but they are like false eyebrows.
Alyssa I hope your feeling better, surgery is no fun & neither is a broken arm; but,before you know it the cast will be off & away you will go. My arm itched like crazy, when my left arm was casted. I was 10 (silly me, I fell off my horse).
I wish you both the very best & will keep you in my prayers. I hope this was helpful, Lori you are so right "Alopecia really is a roller coaster ride even when things seem fine", well said.
Blessing To You & Yours



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