Hi I have no eyelashes. Has anyone tried false lashes or have any kind of advice?

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Hi Rose, I have been wearing eyelashes for probably 15 to 20 years! I get them at Walgreens mostly! They are about $2.99 a pair. There are a variety of them. The glue I use is DUO eyelash adhesive. Doesn't burn like some glues do. I take them off every night and one pair last about two months or so! Pretty easy to put on. Good luck. I really like the way thru look! I don't feel so naked. I use an eyeliner first black! I will add picture!

Wow BLee !!! your eyes just POP. you look great!!!  I own a pair of BLINKIES. have not tried them yet. I've seen those eyelashes at Wallgreens. Now I will think of you when I see them. 

Good idea with the black eyeliner first. You have it figured out and look amazing!

Hi Rose, thank you for the compliment! It's second nature to put eyelashes on now!

Daily conditioning of the eyelashes will help prevent the eyelashes you currently have from breaking off or becoming brittle. There are several eyelash conditioning products on the market one only needs to take a trip to their local drug store or cosmetic counter.

Look up revitalash many of our clients have great success using it.  We at hairofhope.com give it out as a gift with purchase of a Capelli. Put it on twice a day for the first 3-4 weeks and watch them grow.. Yes you will have to continue using it but the reward will be worth it.  



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