After 20 years of mild on/off AA, I lost 99% of my scalp hair 4 months ago. Just adjusting to that, and last week suddenly I have lost 90% of body hair and my eyelashes are falling out. The eyelashes that everyone asked me my whole life if they were real, they are so long they reach OVER my eyebrows. Sigh.

Anyway, I am trying to prepare while praying for a miracle, but I have bought some ardell lashes and when I put them on, just practicing without the actual adhesive, they sort of stick from the glue they were stuck to the tray with but they PINCH and poke and I feel like I am being stabbed with pins. Why am I having this issue? My eyes are pretty big, the lashes dont seem too big necessarily, but no matter where I place them, they are poking me. I assumes the flat edge should go against the eyelid, but maybe its the narrow edge? I dont know! Can someone help me before I go more crazy than I already am?

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Lashes are like riding a bike. When you get it it's easy! But it takes a while to get your technique down. Don't give up. Practice works.

Is it possible that you're starting to place the inside corner too close to the corner of your eye? Stabbing sounds like the end of the lash is touching a sensitive part of the lid very close to the interior corner.

Sit down with a table top mirror if you can. Magnification helps a lot too. Sitting down your hand with be steadier. It's also easier to cut strips in half and glue down one half at a time.

I agree with sounds like you are too close to the inside corners of your eyes.

Eyelashes are tough!! It literally took me about 25 times untill I got them just right. Now, theyre always comfortable for me. Takes a lot of practice and'll get it.
Also, try Revlon lashes that are self adhesive...I find these a lot easier to put on. You can add more glue if you want to.
You can also try cutting them down a bit, like at the corners.. that's usually helpful for me!
Thanks for all the responses. I will give it another go. Another question- does everyone use lower lashes too or only upper lashes?



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