I've been wearing false eyelashes daily since Oct when I went AU. In the last few weeks, Im getting a lot of irritation. I usually use DUO glue but have switched back and forth to Ardell and Sherani and it doesnt seem to matter. My eyelid swells up and turns red then the skin gets hard and flakes off. I try to give my eyes a rest a few days of the week and by taking off the lashes as soon as I get home, but this also means I cant go out when I do this and I have young kids and a zillion places to be all the time so the self imposed exile is a PITA and not entirely working.

Any ideas on what is up with this? Maybe b/c I use the glue directly from the tube could it have become contaminated? I'ts also possible its the eyeliner- PUR gel, but I suspect the glue more.

Going without lashes is not an option for me. Any ideas?

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Amy - I'm not sure what to suggest - I have the same issue with ALL false eyelash glues. I've tried the 3 brands you mention and end up with the same issue and my eyes also burn burn burn. I'm very sensitive to most chemicals in lotions etc so I've always assumed something in the glues creates the reaction ... NOT a contamination. Just my two cents.

Sorry - I can't offer a solution. I've been searching for a sensitive eyes lash glue so I could start wearing lashes again. Contact lens companies offer sensitive eyes lines ... perhaps there is something comparable for us lash wearers?
I have the same prob with the eyebrows glue. Can anyone suggest me a better glue which is reliable also. I am using headcovers.com glue.
To begin with i had this problem also and was using headcovers glue. I think my eyes were just too sensitive for this glue. They would swell up and be red and itchy to the point of being unbearable. After some research i switched to DUO waterproof. I apply this straight from the tube onto the lashes but always remove old glue before doing so. At the moment it seems to be okay but i dont wear lashes all day every day. I too use a waterproof eyeliner gel applied with an eyeliner brush. The lashes stay on all day and night for me.

Hope this helps.
Ugh, like Priya and Louise I also repeatedly had horrible itchy, red reactions to the headcovers.com glue. I would strongly recommend that no one use it -- I genuinely think it's too strong for most people's skin. I emailed Headcovers' customer service when I first discovered that I was having a reaction to the glue to see if they could provide me with an ingredient list. I was hoping I would be able to figure out what I was reacting to so that I could avoid it in the future. Of course, Headcovers insisted that it was from an outside manufacturer who used a "secret" formula that couldn't be shared. That didn't sit well with me, so I haven't purchased anything from them since - glue or other products.

Amy, I'm not sure that I have any great suggestions for you. Once I switched from headcovers glue to the Sherani glue, I stopped having problems. Perhaps you could let your eyelids heel and then try using the Sherani again? Susan might also be on to something re: gel eyeliner. I think my lids also tend to be less irritated by the glue when I'm wearing that. The problem is that it's not always easy to keep the glue exclusively on the part of your lid that you've lined. I don't know about you, but I'm a bit messy with my application and often end up with glue all over the place.
Thank you to everyone for your responses. I think putting the waterproof eyeliner on a little thicker is helping- I never thought of it as a barrier before but I think you are right. I also got new glue and started using toothpicks to transfer to the eyelashes. It's still irritated but a little less so. I hope this is just a phase! I appreciate all the ideas!
(Mike) Toothpicks to the eyelashes then put on eyes!

So I just read that the individual eyelash adhesive is latex free and apparently stays on for weeks. Has anyone ever tried this with the strip lashes? Not that I would want them off for weeks but maybe for swimming or something? What would happen? Since I dont have any natural lashes I am not at risk for ripping them out when taking it off prematurely which is what i hear the risk is. Anyone ever try this???

You can't take the lashes off, you wait until each lash falls out, then you can replace it.  Or not.  To remove  strip, you would have to pull your lashes out.

Thought Id give an update. Thicker eyeliner and a new tube of glue seemed to have cured me. Also, I found latex free glue online but did use it in the end as the new glue and toothpick application (from tube to lashes) resolve the irritation.
Glad you've found a solution. Out of curiosity, what's the name of the latex free glue that you found and who sells it? Thanks!

Can you share the name of the new glue?

I got some KISS eyelash glue which is formaldehyde and latex free. No more burning and irritation.

I will do my english homework about it. Thought Id give a refresh. Thicker eyeliner and another container of paste appeared to have restored me. Additionally, I discovered latex free paste on the web however used it at last as the new paste and toothpick application (from tube to lashes) resolve the aggravation.



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