I am whole food plant based and gluten-free SOS. I still do a little oil….. since Jan 2022. Gluten-free and 30plus grams of fiber per day since Nov 2019.  I traveled to a medically supervised fast in Northern California and fasted 10 days during March 2022. May 15 I had nose hair and growth on head.  Caught a mild virus infection in June and lost hair and didn’t pick up growth till July.

I have growth! Currently just Vellus hair on head but getting thick and nose hair normal and………

EYE LASHES coming in! As Eye Brows too ! Heading to do more fasting (medically supervised) ! 

will keep posting! 
photo 1 was Aug 10

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Saw your post and was wondering how things turned out for you with the hair growth. It's been a while, but your journey with fasting and the changes in your diet really caught my attention. I’ve been focusing on eating more all natural food myself, and I feel like it’s made a difference in my overall health and energy. Have you tried tweaking your diet anymore since then or sticking with what worked? I'd love to hear an update.



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