
I am new to this forum. I have had three episodes of alopecia, where 90% of my hair falls out. It has regrown twice with steroid injections, clobetasol and minoxidil. When it regrows, it is very thick and lovely and my natural colour.

I am twenty-seven years old and my hair began falling out in the ophiasis pattern after the birth of my son. I was completely bald each time except for a skunk-like stripe of hair on the top of my head.

I am writing this post in hopes of finding another person who has tried fasting to deal with their alopecia.

In my most recent episode, I decided I did NOT want to do steroid injections again, as they just cause the hair to temporarily grow back, then fall out again. The hair did not grow back as with the previous two times, or would grow a bit, then break off.

I did extensive research on fasting, and the immune system. Check out the articles below. There is research that shows fasting is able to combat some auto-immune diseases.

When the small amount of hair remaining to me began to fall out in a patchy/diffuse way, I decided I had nothing left to lose and prepared to fast.

I fasted for 60 hrs on water. I planned to go longer, but was feeling very weak after 60hrs.

Now it is three months later, and I have about 99% regrowth with 4  fingernail sized patches that are getting smaller and smaller.

This could very likely be spontaneous regrowth, which is why I am curious if any other alopecians have had similar results.

This post is not meant to encourage fasting. Please be aware that fasting for prolonged periods can stress the body into telogen effluvium, which causes mass shedding of hair.





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