Hi All,

I have just snipped off the pitiful little strands of hair that remained on my head and I'm feeling sad. Just wanted to connect with people who would really understand. I have had this condition for about 12 years. You would think I would be used to it by now. ABout 8 months ago I had a reasonable amount of hair on my head, but since then it has been slowly throwing itself to the ground. Today I had enough of seeing my hard won hair all over the floor and decided to do away with what was left. It didn't take long. So now I am back to being totally bald and I am crying. I feel ridiculous because it is not like this is the first time. Thanks for reading. xx

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Don't feel alone....hugs for you. It's never easy no matter how long you have been dealing with this condition. I know that tomorrow will be a new day and you will find the positives sitting there waiting for you. It's ok to be sad, but you are going to be ok. Feel the pain and know you are bigger and better than this condition.

Even bigger HUGS for you!! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Hi there,
I don't know what helps, iv'e had this for 29 years. Last week i took snippers to my pitiful locks i was so frustrated, and the other day i finished it of with the razor. I felt like a mad man. As a guy i guess bald is an option but when it isn't your choice it still feels wrong.I feel like a tit with ears.
I feel your frustration i don't know how much of a negative effect having APA has made on my life, i know the good it has taught me. I want to start a charity for kids in NZ with it, i want them to feel ok with it and education of others is the key.. It was a hard child hood, kids can be cruel i only remember 1 day i never got teased at school, not a great day, just full of dread.
Crazy it affects us so much, but it does and i'm just glad i get to talk about it to guys who can comprehend the pain. Other people are out there feeling the same way, dosnt make it easier but most have it worst than me, so i'd like to help. All the best mate.
You wouldn't be normal if you didn't cry and feel sad, thats totally normal! I do understand totally how you feel as do other's I'm sure. I am having my hairpiece made by the end of January and actually quite looking forward to it as I will have better hair than ever. You got to try and think positive. If you wear a hairpiece you can have the locks you want, thicker, longer etc. Chin up as it could always be worse. Here if you need to talk :-)
Please check out the AW group - Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Heads. Also, please join the International Alopecia Day Group. And, look at my photos on my page of the night before I shaved, and the day after....congrats for removing that last bit of hair. You don't need it. Take it a day at a time and stay in touch.

HI Seedraiser
I dont think we really ever get use to the ups and downs of alopecia. I too have recently shaved what was the last of the hair on my head. And mourning that loss is perfectly normal and acceptable ((HUGS)) and should be done. And remember that tomorrow is a bright new day full of possibilities. ((HUGS))
You are still the beautiful person that you are. And soon, possibly even today, you we look in the mirror and see you again and not the alopecia.
Keep smiling

im jus getin 2 the point after 1yr wer i wil have 2 shave the last bits offf AAAGGGHHH! i will think of my frends on here when i do it + dat will help me thru, altho it wil b sad im lookin forward 2 geting a wig now! (((HUG))) 2 all of us X

You have every right to cry and you shouldn't feel ridiculous because it has you down. Like you I have had this condition for a long time (totally bald for 7 years) and to this day I still have not accepted it and there are days where I want to stay in bed all day and cry. I think it would almost be worse going through it the second time because it was better for a little bit and then disappointment again. Have a good cry and get it all out. Sometimes you just need to have a good meltdown so that you can be determined to live your life again and keep fighting.



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