I know many fphl sufferers also have scalp issues, like SE and too much sebum for the remaining hair to spread to. Has any of you found a remedy for oily scalp? I think only hormone pills will be suitable, because I can't bear anything topical on my scalp and hair. My hair is fragile, so harsh treatments like ketoconazole for SE, dry out my hair. I read some women on spiro had less oily scalp, some women on Yasmin experienced the same. What are your experiences?

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What is SE?
i have oily scalp with my fphl. i haven't been to a dermatologist since i started losing my hair at 17. guess i should go and get an official diagnosis; it's been 40 years. back then we didn't even get to call it female pattern hair loss. they just called it male pattern baldness like females didn't lose their hair. i wonder if there's anyone else here, besides me and you, who has fphl?
It seems that the thinner my hair gets, the more i need to wash it. Thus my nearly overwhelming desire to just shave it off. It's ridiculous. And doctors really just get me going. The first (only) doctor i went to in my early twenties said he was taking my word that my hair was getting thinner because he really couldn't see it. I thank him for that. I think a lot of drs just roll their eyes when your back is turned.
My hair is very fragile too. I don't know what that means in terms of diagnosis. But i do know that no hair dresser will color it for me, for fear it will all come out. So, i'm stuck with this mess of: almost bald at the crown graduating into (diffuse loss) gray hair that i can't color graduating into what looks like an outline of my head of brown hair (like someone drew the edges of my hair in, in brown). When i think of all the times i begged my mother to let me get my hair thinned when i was young, i could kick myself.

I have female pattern hair loss and certainly have these symptoms you both describe, excess sebum or an oily scalp or whatever my head feels like doing on a given day.

A few months back I started using a Progesterone cream and i think it's had a positive effect on all this scalp business. At one point my hair even seemed much fuller, though i don't know for sure if that was the progesterone or any other vitamins & supplements I'm taking (biotin, biosil..)

What you said about frequent washing as the hair thins is exactly the experience I've had. So incredibly frustrating, that endless cycle!

Sounds like things are going well for you. I've tried using birth control in the past as well, though I didn't notice much hair growth. It seemed like it was never getting any worse but not necessarily getting better when I used it.

I don't know too much about spironolactone. I suspect I have all the symptoms for that, but I'd like to try and stay away from the hard stuff if possible.

The progesterone cream is applied topically anywhere on the body, legs arms stomach, it doesn't matter.

I too am a sufferer from fphl....since the age of 18 now 34. Tried spiro aldactanone....tons of stuff with no results. Extremely oily hair must wash daily....its so depressing. Any thing that works for anyone to make situation any better?



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