Hi Everyone,

Has anyone tired a Flora or Follea wig? I'm trying to find a new wig and wanted some feedback from anyone who has tried either of these wigs. What are the caps like? lace front, custom, bleached knots, etc...and what is the hair quality like? Any comments would be very appreciated :)

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Follea hair is gorgeous! Where did you hear about it?

Have not tried on a Flora. There is a fair amount of chatter from women at heralopecia.com about Flora, but I cannot say how independent the opinions are.

You haven't indicated whether you have a personal or business connection to either of these, nor your alopecia status. It's not uncommon for people to come onto this site and disguise a product promotion as a question.

I have AU... I have had it for almost six years. I'm wearing a human hair wig right now however, I spent alot of money on it and the quality of the hair is not very good.... I'm always looking for the best wigs available and I found Follea after doing hours and hours of google searches. I contacted them and they put me in touch with a salon in chicago. I have placed a custom order however, I am very nervouse, I'm getting a lace front with bleached knots... I'm just really scared that it wont be what I want it to be because over the years I have been taken when it comes to wigs.... Thanks for your feedback, I will go an update my profile maybe that will help... I have asked other members questions about some of their wonderful wigs however, they have never respond maybe that's why... Where did you find Follea? I know they are fairly new and that is why I posted a question because I can not find any really customer information on them just their website.
I know Follea through a chance encounter a couple of years ago.

Make a list of the criteria that matter to you in a wig. Be specific and write down what was not ok with others you've bought and what was good Be direct with the salon in getting answers to your specific needs...it varies from person to person so don't assume the salon "understands" what you need/want.

If you don't feel that that salon is able to answer your questions and provide samples in a way that satisfied your unique need for information, don't order or cancel the order. Going into a big purchase feeling anxious is not ideal.

The only way that salons are going to really understand and listen to alopecian women is when the women are more direct in making their needs known. I know first hand the awful situation we're in at a first purchase when we are so vulnerable. ....I too learned a lot after many bad wig experiences. I chalk it up to learning experience and hope to help educate other women better so fewer have negative experiences.

Unfortunately, no matter how experienced nor longstanding nor how good the reputation of a salon, the salon is in the business of sales first and foremost and we need to remember that. They are more trained to ask you Visa, Amex or Mastercard? than they are to listen very carefully to your needs. Speak up! And if the answers do not feel satisfactory to you now, they will be far less so when the salon has their payment.

The Follea quality is fabulous...but the fit, style, density....etc are personal and that's where it matters most that you establish excellent communication with the salon. The most luscious hair that makes you feel self-conscious for any reason is not worth it.

As one of the women who chatter about Flora on heralopecia, I can assure you my opinion is totally independent. I am just someone who found a product which I find exceptional.
I wear a Flora wig.. which i bought a few months ago and i love it! Its my first human hair wig. It looks very natural, well i think/hope it does! haha. you can check out my photos and see for yourself :) Flora is such a sweetheart and she has such a wide selection of wigs! the hair itself seems to be very quality. Mine has been through quite alot and it still looks great.



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