Hello everyone.  I just received my first Freedom vacuum wig from Resilience Hair Group after years of wearing itchy lace "human hair" and synthetic wigs.  I hate lace.  It's so itchy.  

But anyway, I am still trying to figure out how to get the vacuum wig on and stay on.  How long does it typically take to learn this?  Any suggestions or tips to get it on with a good vacuum? Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.  

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Hiya, I have a freedom wig too. Takes a good couple of tries and getting use too, once u get a super snug fit and no air bubbles it should stay on till you take it off.  Unfortunately I have perspired (due to hot flashes…lol) on occasion will wearing it and it tends to slide. I simply take it off dry my head and put it back on.   Hold it by the ears and put it on from the front to the back and press down on it to get the air bubbles out.  Hope this helps and congratulations. 

I have never heard of Resilience Hair Group. All my freedom wigs came from Freedom reps. The fit is awesome. But I got way too much hair   Thankfully a great stylist or two had it looking great. It’s still my post favorite piece, HOWEVER, I can’t take the heat. Tired of almost heat striking out when outside. 

anyone tried the Golden Child Wig? It looks beautiful. From Daniel Alain. Cost… $10,000

im still saving. Maybe I’ll be buried in one. **sigh**

Put a few drops of waster inside. Lean over and lat it down front to back. Move around ear tabs are where they should be. You’ll know when it’s ON. I adore mine.,

there are some really old Peggy Kinight videos on you tue. Old, but still helpful.

now —. To  to hurdle two (or three or six) style it to suit your face

not wearing it anymore— too hot except  to sit in my A/C office.




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