I recently got a Freedom wig and it looks amazing. The problem is that it gives me terrible headaches about an hour into wearing it. It feels like my head is going to explode from the pressure and my spinal cord is being compacted in my neck.

I know they are meant to sit in only one, correct position - when it gets into a certain spot the suction is unbelievably strong. Like, there is no way you could get pull it off - ever! - and it even takes me a good few minutes of sliding my fingers underneath the edges to loosen it enough to remove.

I figure the pressure of the suction is causing the headaches (as well as the general weight of it because they may feel light at first wear but damn, they are heavy). I've tried to adjust the positioning to see if that alleviated the "crushing" feeling but then it got a lot of air pockets and gripped my scalp in random patches, which felt horrible.

The hair (medium light density) has been thinned out by the stylist to lighten the piece up but it's not done a lot to help.

I guess I'm here to ask:

1. Does anyone else have this problem?

2. How do you solve it? Is it a matter of "breaking it in"?

It looks so good and it cost a fortune so I'm loathe to give it up but I can't imagine having this kind of pain every single day for the next few years. Everyone on the FB sites looks so happy in theirs and sings its praises so I'm devastated that I am beginning to hate mine.

I am in touch with my rep but I don't know anyone else who wears one so would love to hear from fellow wearers and their experiences.

Thank you.

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Hello Rix

I will do my best to help with your enquiries, but it is also very important that you get in touch with the Independent Agent that sold you your Freedom hair and tell her what you have written above. 

Nice to know your hair is looking amazing. :)  Now we need to make sure it feels that way as well. 

Freedom Wigs don't 'break in', they are made as closely as possible to your head shape so, they should fit well from the beginning.  

You would have gone through the fitcap stage with your Independent Agent.  You must have approved of the fit and checked it with your IA, so I can't imagine there is a issue with fit.  Possibly the technique you are using to put it on isn't working for you.

I sometimes think that the word suction makes people think that the Freedom Wig sucks on to your head...it doesn't.  They are made as accurately as possible, so that when you put your Freedom Wig on it fits securely (but it doesn't feel tight).  Sometimes if you have been wearing a conventional type of wig, the feeling of tight may equate to security.   That isn't what you should be trying to achieve with a Freedom Wig.  It is made to fit you, so that when you put it on and gently push out the excess air, you get a comfortable and secure fit.  For those that haven't worn a Freedom Wig before it can be a bit of a fiddle to learn how to do this.  (Did you receive the instruction DVD???)  The DVD does have some very good fitting techniques for those that wear Freedom Wigs.

From what you have described, it sounds like you are stretching your Freedom Wig onto your head in the wrong position and that could cause discomfort.  On the DVD this is explained...so if you have that please sit and watch it again.

I'm not sure what you discussed with your Independent Agent with regards to styling and density but you do have a choice around this.  They are as follows...extra light, light, light medium and medium.  For my daughter I would normally get an extra light because of the curl preference and the colour hair she often chooses.  I wouldn't personally recommend the heavier densities unless you want very thick hair (and some people do want this - it's all about personal choice). 

As I don't know what you were trying to achieve and whether a heavier implant (amount of hair in the wig), was what you asked for? Did you go in with an idea of what you were wanting the end product to look like?? I'm sure you would have discussed this with the IA so you could get close to getting the end look you were after.   

You have said you were on the Freedom Facebook page....were there styles on that page that you took to your Independent Agent???

Sorry for all the questions...I'm just a little in the dark.  I will friend you and then you can pass on your real name so I can have a wee looksee at your order and what you and your IA asked for.

Hope this all helps.


So sorry with the pain. But it happens with all new wigs its something a person has to get used to. It will ease up in a few weeks. A suggestion which worked for me the Milano Wigrip Comfort Band which sits on your head like a headband and then the wig on top it might help you. check it out at


or the link


Good luck and wait it out !!!

Hi Vanessa

Thanks for passing on this information, but in reality this is something that shouldn't be happening with Rix and she needs to work out why it is happening and seek help from her Independent Agent to get this right.  This is definitely not the norm.

My daughter has worn freedom for over 11 years and has never had a headache or discomfort from wearing this type of wig. :)


I wore a freedom wig & it was mostly comfortable, though at the end of the day i was always ready to take it off. It should not give you a headache. Your rep ought to be able to work with you to make you feel perfect.  She wants you to be happy, too. Be persistent. Best of luck! Please keep us posted. 



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