Hi everyone I was 11 when I lost all of my hair and am now 17, I didn't wear wigs at first but as i've got older i've wanted to do more with my appearance etc. So since i've started getting my wigs i've been swapping from synthetic to real hair and have more recently been wearing Ellen Wille real hair ones as synthetic wigs do irritate my scalp a lot. For the last couple of years i've been interested in Freedom Wigs and was just wondering if there's anyone that has one if you could let me know what you think of them and whether they are worth the money because that's what's holding me back at the moment is whether they actually are worth the price that they are.

They appeal to me because they look so natural and they say that you can do a lot more stuff in them i.e. swimming etc. And they also seem a lot more secure!

So yes, any feedback would be appreciated, Thankyou!

- D'Arcie

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Hi D'Arcie,

I will tell you that I am a sales rep for Freedom in Canada but am also a client so I just wanted to be transparent up front. This is not a sales pitch but more of my experience in the wig world. I really do believe that the Freedom wig helped me regain my confidence and acceptance with my alopecia.
When I first lost my hair I found a beautiful human hair wig at a local salon with a mesh cap and LOVED it. However, after about a year in this hairpiece I found that the texture was too thick and the hair dried out to the point where I was conditioning it every three days and by 4pm daily I was extremely itchy and uncomfortable in the piece. I also had wonderful synthetics "Tatum" and "Codi" which I loved but found that they lasted me 4-6 months as I am extremely active outdoors with hiking, running etc. So I began researching Freedom...like you are doing. I encourage you to continue to research!!! I took the plunge and ordered a freedom hairpiece and honestly have not looked back. The hair was European so felt like my own, my hairpiece thus far has lasted with extreme daily wear 2 years and now will require a repair (which I can tell you about later if you want) in the nearer future(I have gone waterskiing, played volleyball, ran, canoed...you name it in my hairpiece). The hair is still amazingly soft and silky, still looks great and I still wear it for activity while keeping a newer piece for daily wear. The hairpieces are extremely comfortable, clean, secure (we have horrendous winds where I live and I don't think about it at all) and they look, in my opinion, natural. I can wear my hair in a ponytail!!! To me the investment was and continues to be well worth it as it has helped me accept my alopecia as well as be open to teaching again, public speaking and returning to the volleyball court.
Please continue to seek out opinions and continue to research as it only helps you get an idea if this is a right fit for you.
Good luck in your research.
Warm Wishes,

Hi Jenn,

I am meeting with a Freedom rep tomorrow and am thinking about switching wig types. You response was extremely helpful. Thanks.


Hi D'arcie,
Hope you are well.
What you can do is go talk to your local agent for Freedom and see the hairpiece in person and ask all of your great questions. An agent is always very willing to help.
I have gove swimming in my lake with my hair and it stayed put quite well. With swimming you just want to ensure that you wash your hair after the swim especially in chorinated pools as the chlorine will dry out the hair.

As for the repair, usually after about 18months-2years of wear (this is dependent on the wearer of course, how much you wear your hair and how well you look after your hairpiece. This time frame can therefore be longer or shorter.) you will see some wear and tear on the hairpiece. At that point in time you book a repair with your local agent and they will ship your hairpiece to Freedom where Freedom will break off any hair that is soon to break off, they strip away the inner silicone lining and metal ear tabs and they will reinject your hairpiece with new hair in areas needed. They will also reline the hairpiece with new silicone and add new metal ear tabs so that your hairpiece comes back to you refreshed and ready for more years of wear.
Should there be, in the rare instance, any manufacturing defects in the hairpiece Freedom provides its clients with a one year warranty against these manufacturing defects. This warranty is used for the first year of owning your new hair.

As for your friend and regrowth...you may experience this as well (I am and it is an annoyance) You can shave your head in the shower with a philishave (men's electric waterproof shaver) and that should do the trick. I can actually have about 1-2 weeks of regrowth and not have the security affected but this again is dependent on the wearer and their regrowth.

I hope this info helps you out. Keep researching and best of luck!



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