I have recently been diagnosed with Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia.  Having gradually lost hair on my forehead for approximately 4 years, I gradually noticed more hair being lost around the sides, like a hairband, above the ears to the loss at the top.  I would say I have lost around 1 inch or more all the way round. The doctors delayed in referring me to a dermatologist and unfortunately now I am more than concerned at getting some treatment underway.  I am interested to know if anyone's hair loss has stopped at all after a period of time or whether I am just being very hopeful.  My dermatologist has asked me to confirm what treatment I would like to take and I wonder if anyone could advise if they have found anything that has worked for them?  I have taken Clarelux for approximately 3 1/2 months, however I have stopped this week as I have noticed enlarged veins around the sides of my head and thinning skin, which may or may not have created fat atrophy above the cheek bones and sides of my head around my eyebrow level.  Any advice would be gratefully received. 

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