Hey guys, my names Scott and I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata last year.

My hair is growing back to a degree but it still bothers me from time to time and makes me wonder about other peoples experience with the condition.

I am sorry if this is a frequently asked question as I have not looked thru much of the forums, but I would like to ask about peoples general mindset towards Alopecia, and how most people view their condition.

Any good tips/insights on dealing with what can generally a huge blow to self esteems?

Thanks (:

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My mindset as a mother (my daughter has alopecia) was to find the things that made my daughter feel like her condition didn't define who she was. Motivating and encouraging her to find the things that she loved and do them. This is a hard ask when you are 12 and don't have hair. My daughter is now 22 years old, has a medicinal chemistry degree and is a High School Chemistry teacher in one of the top schools in my city. She paints, plays the piano, sings, laughs and does the things that she enjoys and deals with the things she doesn't. (she has recently been diagnosed with another unpleasant immune condition - we will find out way with that as well)

This can be a terrible blow to people's self esteem and you do have to grieve the lose, but it is also very important to move on and find the things that will help you find you again. You aren't your condition, you can move onwards and upwards.

Hope this helps a little.


I think everyone is going to have a different mindset, but I have normally incredibly thick Brillo pad hair, and I'm looking at it like no more embarrassing frizz days. I also have had so much fun with colors and cuts in my 32 years and no regrets so its almost like "it's lived a good life..." Kind of thing.

I also knowpeoplemthough that a 2" haircut is really short and cannot deal with it well, which is understandable.

Hey, thanks for the add! :) anyway to answer your question, I've kinda grown used to having alopecia since I've been dealing with it since I was about 4. I'm not bullied about it anymore since I've entered high school, which is such a relief, so I don't feel ashamed about it. In all honesty, having alopecia made me realize that there's so much more to a person besides their looks. Hair is just hair you know? I don't love having alopecia, but I don't hate it either. On the bright side, I don't have to shave my legs or worry about styling my hair in the morning haha when I'm feeling extra sorry for myself, I just talk to my friends about it or listen to music. It helps. I read this thing on Tumblr: "I'm too sexy for my hair, that's why its not there" lol I just kinda repeat that to myself :) I just deal with it one day at a time. I think that's the best way to learn to accept it tbh.



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