I hate to even post this because of how vain it is. After 3 1/2 years, I am doing better with acceptance, but am obviously quite not there.
I was engaged last February and will be getting married the end of April. I had been making myself visualize me in a wedding dress with no hair, but haven't felt the need to do it in a while because my hair was growing back in again. As many times before, it's falling out again.
I would love, more than anything, to just have hair for my wedding as ridiculous as it sounds. I've debated about getting a wig, but am completely lost on what to get. I am fairly active in running and dance, and want something that looks natural, I would be able to put into a ponytail, and is not too expensive. A lot to ask I know:)
I have no idea what my hair will be like in four months, but thought I'd at least check out the idea of a wig. Any thoughts on types of wigs? Companies to go with? Real vs. Synthetic?
Thank you!
I think it is very natural to want your hair on an important day (such as your wedding). I don't find it vain at all, it's not like your hairloss is by choice...you have no control and if you did , (as most would) you would prefer your hair to grow back. :)
Wigs....it really does depend on your own personal needs and in reality there is a lot to understand about wigs before you take that leap. You have already written a list of what you would like to achieve from your wig of choice...now you really need to investigate what will work best for you. I'm a Freedom Wigs lady and my daughter has worn them for years....they work for us extremely well and will do all the things you have popped down as wants/needs. This type of wig may not be for you ...but investigate it along with any other choices you may like to look in to.
Some of the things I would take note of when you are investigating wigs are:
Hair type....synthetic, processed human hair and 100% unprocessed virgin human hair. All have different inherent qualities that will effect the look, feel and movement for your hair of choice.
Attachment methods to the wig....How they attach the hair to the wig. Often this is done with handtieing or wefts....find out what that actually means for the durability,look and care for your wig. Other methods are embedding hair within a breathable silicone base, or injecting the hair into a polyurethane base. Investigate all as it is important to understand what this will mean to you.
Security...some wigs use glue, tape etc to keep them secure. Some use silicone bands around the edge of the wig (which are a little like wearing a snug elastic band), some are custom made to fit you as accurately as possible to achieve a vacuum security. Investigate them all.
If I can help with any info you may want around Freedom wigs feel free to pop in and say hi. Otherwise good luck with your investigating and also your upcoming wedding....I'm sure whatever you pick you will look beautiful!
I would recommend a nice good quality synthetic wig. You don't need to worry about sytling it because it comes styled and if you sweat a bit dancing then the fibre wont wilt or react in any way. Brands like; Jon Renau, Raquel Welch, Rene of Paris, Amore, Ellen Wille all do very nice wigs that are affordable. To have a nice natural look so you can part the hair you want a: lacefront with a monofilament top. I have recently bought a Heidi wig from Jon Renau. It is a beautiful long wig, very natural looking. I dont know what country you are in but in the USA look on www.voguewigs.com or www.wigs.com and if you are in the Uk look on www.wigtrendz.co.uk or www.afrostyling.com for the best prices. Also if you join the www.wigsupport.com forum you can get advice from the fantastic ladies on there. A nice synthetic is affordable, my Heidi cost me £150.00.. If you are not used to wigs I strongly advise you not to get a human hair wig, they are very fiddly to style and it will cost you a lot of money. Good luck and enjoy your wedding day.
With regards to human hair and how it reacts absolutely depends on what type of human hair you choose and the price point you are comfortable with. Also the other features and benefits of your wig of choice.
I have never found my daughters 100% unprocessed human hair Freedom Wigs difficult to manage. I'll put a piccie below of her in her latest style.
It is a naturally curly wig, in medium brow, 10 inches long. To achieve the look she has in this piccie, she washed and conditioned it with normal shampoo and conditioner (in the shower). Then she squeezed the curl into it, left it to 100% dry (off her head). Once dry she shook it and blow dried her fringe (on her head)...finished and off for the day. To reactivate the curl she often dampens this hair at night and lets it dry achieving it's natural curliness.
This type of hair is very different to processed human hair. There really is no comparison.
Hope this all helps.
I think the only problem with a Freedom Wig is you need to be completely bald and Jennifer has hair growth right now. I cant think of any wig you can pull into a pony tail but the suction kind, which require baldness.
I am always a fan of real hair though. I had synthetic for years, and while the maintenance is low, it is sooo nice to have soft real hair and to be able to style it. Plus this one has lasted me double the time that any high-end synthetic did!
You are right you either have to take away your regrowth or have no hair to wear a freedom wig. Libby (in this piccie) has had regrowth about 6 times in the last 11 years. She always decided to take away her regrowth until her hair came fully in (it did that just the once). She loves her Freedom hair...so this wasn't a problem.
It's such a tough choice. I came really close to shaving the hair about a year and a half ago when it was at it's worst and I couldn't do it - even though I was sitting in the hairdresser's chair preparing for the shave. My hair is pretty close to my shoulders right now, but I am well aware of the patches that are starting to show as well as the hair around the perimeter falling out.
I totally get it on the wigs…have to get rid of the hair:) Again, really tough choice! I think part of me wants to have one just in case I need it. Something to have as a back-up. But that puts me in anticipation mode waiting for it to fall out. I tell myself to enjoy putting your hair up today, because next week that spot that you found on the back of your head won't be able to be hidden for long. It's no way to live, and I know this, yet I do it to myself!
I am, however, so much better than I used to be. I no longer feel my stomach drop and heart stop when I find a spot. I am good at letting some of the spots go knowing they are less likely to be shown, but the areas around my face and neckline make me incredibly self conscious.
Regardless, thank you so much for the information! I am in the U.S. and not sure how pricey it would be to have a Freedom Wig made as I do believe they come from New Zealand. I seer my hairdresser in less than a month and will talk with her about some options depending on where my hair is at in it's never ending cycle of growing in and falling out:)
Happy holidays!
Hi Jennifer
A freedom wig may not be right for you at the moment....I just want you to understand if things get to the point where you feel it may help, there are people that will help you.
I don't think you should ever take away the last of your hair unless you are in a really good space headwise and are looking forward to what you will be able to achieve with an alternative, whether that be no hair, a scarf/hat or a wig.
I would never want to pressure you or anybody into thinking this is the only alternative....for me and my daughter it has been a good one. But we are all different and I would support you no matter what choice you made.
I was in the same position as you when my daughter was little....we didn't take away the last of her hair until there was only about 5% LEFT....the choice was a difficult one and mine and my daughters hope was that her hair was going to come back and stay....sadly it didn't. I also had to get off that roller coaster of hair coming and going and find something that gave us a bit of breathing space....When her hair comes back now....it's sort of like...'that's nice', when it goes it is 'that's annoying', but mostly we are just ok.
I truly understand your predicament here and support you no matter what choice you make, especially as the choice you make will work well for you at that time. :)
Take care.
That is so very sweet to know there is support. Thank you Rosy! I like what you said about the hair coming and going - that's nice, that's annoying. I've definitely said to myself, when I find new patches, that it's annoying:) I will keep you updated as time marches on.
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