Hello, I have alopecia areata and have just started wearing a
hairpiece. Nobody has realised it is a wig, even my boyfriend
at first, everyone thinks I've just had my hair done and they all say
wow, your hair looks amazing! etc. Nobody knows I have alopecia
as I was covering it with scarves/hats before (big bald patch on crown
of head) I keep feeling guilty when people say how nice my hair
looks! One colleague said, "your hair looks lovely, it's a sign
you're happy!" I felt like I was lying to her because the truth is I'm
going bald and it's probably been caused by stress, and so I don't feel
very happy at all! 
However I must say I love how the hairpiece looks and 
I do feel much more confident with it on!

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I have told some people about the alopecia and explained it's a wig, but they are people i feel more close to as friends, rather than just acquaintances or colleagues - when I do tell them it's a hairpiece they are then always shocked as they thought it was real!
As a school teacher I feel that it might not be a great idea if the school students knew, although many of them must have seen my bald patch before the wig; I sit at the piano teaching them and they often stand behind me - one boy is 6 feet tall! He is very sweet and has never said anything.

I do not tell about a wig, because some people can not understand, if they are stuppied.
For example, one russian woman said me , somebody can think, it can be some infection, so I think, she thought it. I started to tell her about autoimmunium illness, but I am not shure , she understood.
So I prefer not to tell about my illness to somebody.
Who know, what they will think ? Maybe, they will think, it is some infection and do not contact me.
It is my opinion, I think , it can be another opinion, it can be also another thinkng in the other country.

I think, everybody should decide themself -to tell or not to tell that you are wearing a wig.
It is better for me if I do not tell.
Some women go outside without a wig and they fell themself comfortable.
I thnik, they are right, because if a men has no hair, nobody thnink bad about him , why people should think bad about a woman ?
But for me it is better I wear a wig and nobody knows that it is a wig.
My wig also looks as my real hair, but it is a cheap one, it is not made of real hair , it is a sinthetik wig. I do not want to bye a good one, my hair is growing up and I hope I will not need it later.



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