
I've got AA. My hair has started growing back ever so slightly. Its mainly unpigmented fluff but some has developed into colour.

I've been using dermovate steroid lotion for five weeks and have one week left using it. 

even though my hair is growing back its still drastically falling out - I've lost about 60% so far.

Does anyone know if hair growth suggests the loss will end soon or are the two not linked?

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Hey Leila. I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss, but it's good to hear that you're growing some back! From what I've heard, everyone's experience is unique. Personally, I've found that growth is a good sign, but it doesn't indicate that loss will end soon or at all. I've experienced periods of regrowth, followed by periods of intense loss. I've learned that you just have to take it as it comes, and not get too hopeful or hopeless. 

I developed AA three years ago and within the first 6 months I lost about 40% of my hair. Luckily, it was easier to hide than most people due to the location. Much has grown back, but I still have a big bald patch at the back of my scalp. The hair loss comes and goes. Recently, I got pregnant and my hair was growing back nice and thick, but then I miscarried at 3 months and so my hair's now falling out again in droves. We can do our best to limit stress, keep our scalps healthy, and nourish our bodies with the right vitamins. But ultimately, the body is going to do what it wants to do.

I hope the steroid lotion works for you! I was taking steroid shots for about a year, but stopped because I was getting sick so often because the shots work by suppressing your immune system, and I was getting other side effects (e.g. very short menstrual cycles, migraines). I was also using men's Rogaine at the suggestion of my dermatologist, but I don't know if it helped at all because I've stopped using it and have since had both hair growth and hair loss.

Growth of hair where there was non means that you are recovering. Usually your hair loss should have stopped and you hair is growing back now. I hope you will continue to see some good results. I just started with the steroid lotion and I am also looking for some new growth!

Hi thanks for your reply! Good luck with your treatment!



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