I am considering getting a hair integration system. What are the pros and cons? They look more comfortable than a wig yet still look wiggish in the promotional videos I a looked at. I am going for a consultation tomorrow. Does anyone have any experience with integration systems?

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I just got mine and I love it, I don't know why more people don't opt for it. I feel like I've been given my life back!!!! I'm going to post some pics soon. I just got it a few days ago but so far so good. It is a miracle! Let me know if you have any specific questions.

It is so comfortable it just feels like I have normal hair, it isn 't hot and it is very easy to sleep in. Do your research, find a reputable place, check out some of their clients and make sure they look good and are satisfied then go for it!

It cost about $2000 and will require $100 maintenance every 5 or 6 weeks but it was probably the best money I ever spent.
Yes I totally agree with everything you have said - more comfortable and more natural looking than any of the wigs I have ever had and I do feel like I have my life back too - I think it has taken years off of the way I look. The gal in my salon is really more of an artist than a hair stylist - best money I ever spent as well! She does a lot of high profile people here - TV personalities, dancers and actors and said you would be surprised how many people have alopecia but no one talks about it.

I guess the thing is it isn't for everyone because you do need to have some hair to attach it to (at least one inch long, preferably longer, I am told). My fine white hairs are all I have for the time being, but they are long now and because I am not colouring them like I was before they are thickening up as well. I have kind of forgotten about the alopecia and am focusing on everything else!
Actually the place I go to bonds hair on people with AU (no hair at all) it is more like a glued on wig but with the same freedom of an integration system.
Wow - that is great - somehow we need to let new people with alopecia know about this because I have had alopecia for over 6 years and no one has made this information available to me until recently.

Thanks for sharing!
Magpie here...I am new to this forum. I still have hair, and so I am not a good candidate for a full wig or topper. I have triangular alopecia, and massive thinning on the sides, back and nape.
Unlike a lot of women with hereditery hair loss and menopause related hair loss, my top is OK!
The rest is a stringy, patchy mess. :-(

Thus, I am researching integrations. Would you ladies be able to tell me where you are going for integrations. I would love to take a look at the way they are constructed and installed.
Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.
Much Thanks...Magpie.
Welcome Magpie,

I go to Mohair Salon in Vancouver - www.mohair-extensions.com. The website is not as comprehensive as it could be, but the service and quality are excellent.

Good luck with it and I would be happy to answer any further questions.
I don't know where in the US you live Magpie, but if you or anyone else is interested in checking out a place in the NY area go to Hair Systems of Long Island. I went to the one in Commack. Here are their two locations. Since the top of your hair is still intact I think you could get an extremely natural looking integration system. Even if you were completely bald I still think it is a rad option to have. I love having hair 24/7 again!!

Chris how is your system working out?

Hair Systems of Long Island
3601 Heampstead Turnpike
Suite 510
Levittown, NY 11756
Phone: (516) 579-1500
Fax: (516) 579-1558
e-mail: info@hairsystemsli.com
366 Veteran's Highway
Commack, NY 11725
Phone: (631) 864-5656
Fax: (631) 864-4316
e-mail: info@hairsystemsli.com
I am so happy with it, thanks Dominique - all my friends have said how much more natural it looks than the wigs I have had in the past. And I have to agree with you on the 24/7 thing - there is something really great about having hair all the time - I feel the way I used to.

I also think that when my hair all grows back that I will continue with the extensions - I love them!
can anyone tell me how the hair systems work-are they bonded to your head-I am looking for something like that in Tampa florida



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