My alopecia only affects the crown of my head and that's the only place that my hair is thinning, so I don't want to get a full sized wig. Does anyone have experience with wearing hairpieces that just cover their crown?

I would love advice on what to look for and tips on shopping for and wearing them.

Thanks so much,

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i also liked ken paves; specifically the jessica simponson line. i had lost beyond my crown to include my bangs; same thing the bang that ken paves offers is wonderful. i was able to use both...using what i had left to integrate both pieces.
I never would have found all these options on my own, thanks so much everyone!
Hi Adrian,
I would get a small Non Surgical Skin graft something like sensigraft from one of the Transitions affiliated studios. have a look at They are very light, comfortable and look great.

All the best



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