I have had alopecia universalis for 2 1/2 years now. Back in December I started receiving steroid injections. By the time I went back for my first visit after my shot, I noticed my eyebrows growing back and then a little stubble at the top of my head. My doctor is confident that this new hair growth started on it's own before I even started the injections because he said the hair doesn't grow that fast in just 4 weeks. I received injections every 4 weeks until April. One week ago I finally decided to go "wig free" and show off my newly grown hair, which is a very cute "filled in" pixie cut. Well, now within the last few days I have noticed while doing my hair I have more than the normal amount of hair falling out again. I made an appointment with my doctor right away, but because I don't have spots missing, he doesn't believe it's falling out again. I've been through this once, I know what is normal and what isn't. I was hoping he would start me back on steroid injections, but he wouldn't. Just said come back in 4 weeks. Has anyone else been through anything similar? I'm just wondering if I am overreacting because I'm so scared it's falling out again. I know alopecia is so unpredictable and can do this, but I just need some hope or just want to hear others stories, if similar whether success or not. I've been wig for a week and it just feels amazing. I'm scared of having to put it back on again. :(

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