Hi all. Haven't posted in a while but I'm back to gripe a little and hopefully get some comforting words from you all. A little background...I'm 36 and have had AA since age 9. In January of '09 I developed auto-immune hives. I was on high doses of anti-histamines as well as an asthma medication to control them. As of a month ago, I have been weaned from all medications and the hives are gone (thank goodness because they were awful!) The weird thing is while I had the hives I grew almost a full head of hair. Maybe it was the fact that my body now had 2 auto-immune disorders to deal with and it prioritized the hives and put the alopecia on the back burner. Maybe it had something to do with the anti-histamines I was taking. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Whatever the reason, my hair was back. Anyway, now that the hives are gone and I am no longer on the meds, I've been experiencing hair loss again. And I've had AA long enough to know the drill and to know what's coming. I can already feel bald spots on the back of my head that weren't there just a few weeks ago. I guess I'm just looking to vent...I hate that this is happening to me all over again. What a tease that I finally grow a full head of hair after 27 years only to have it taken away again! I keep going over and over what might have caused the regrowth…the meds? The hives? I can’t help but think it had something to do with one of or both of these things and now that the hives are gone, my hair is starting to follow. I had such big plans for this summer too…To finally be wigless. To show off my new short hair…MY hair. But now it looks like that isn’t going to happen. I feel so guilty even complaining because I know how much worse I could have it. I know that a disease that’s strictly cosmetic is better than having something life threatening or debilitating. But somehow, today, those words don’t make this suck any less.

Thank you all for reading. I feel better even having vented a little. I’m sure it doesn’t sound like it, but I am really a very upbeat person, I have a wonderful life, and I have truly come to terms with my alopecia. However, today I was just feeling down and sorry for myself because I am just not looking forward to losing my hair again. Especially now that it was all there. I know that if it all comes out again, I will be just fine…like I am every time. I’m just finding it harder this time because I saw, for the first time in my life, what it was like to run my fingers through my hair and feel no smooth spots. I had that privilege for just a few short months, enjoyed it while it lasted, but, nonetheless am sad to see it end. I am so grateful that I have a group like this one to turn to for comfort and advice.

Thanks again,

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I remember that the process of my hair falling out was harder than dealing with total baldness so I can understand.
Even upbeat people can have down days and this is a perfect place to vent.
I've just found this site a few days ago and boy would it have been nice about 22 years ago.
There are so many understanding and kind people here it amazes me!
Chin up! You can do eet! :)

I find it interesting that I too break out in hives. Especially during the summer months. hmmm, I need to put my phobias about going to the doctors aside and get checked out.
Hi Jen, I feel you! I've had this for decades. AA-AT-AU, with full regrowth sometimes for a few years. Each time it falls out, I'm surprised by how upset I am. I have learned to move more quickly to cutting it all off to shorten that agonizing transition. Recently, I have patchy regrowth annoying me--shaving is high maintenance for someone used to the beauty of a smooth head. Yet, I'm starting to enjoy my scalp that's like a relief map but more tactile. My partner made me laugh the other day, "Looks like the tide's going out. More patches of hair." I look forward to the day when I can experience my head as I do the tides.



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