I have been seriously looking into getting a hair integration system
installed, which I could wear all the time.  It is expensive and
requires monthly maintenance that is also not cheap, but to have hair
that feels like a part of me—that I could swim, bathe, do yoga, sleep,
and be intimate in—would be priceless.  I'm curious if anyone has
any experience with these and if anyone knows of any good places
offering this service in the Long Island or New York area.

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I tried this years ago..I hated it! However,I was young and didn't know what to expect. It pulled on my hair that I had and I couldn't take it off,which really bothered me! Make sure to get all the facts and think it through..have you looked into a vacuum system? They are expensive too but allows you the freedoms an integrated system would have with the added benefit of being able to take it off if you want to.The only con I have heard of with the vacuum hair is that they can get hot. I still can't afford one of these but I have looked at them and they are very good quality but if I lived some place really humid I might think twice! Good luck with whatever you decide and let us know how it works out!
A woman once showed me her vacuum wig...she took it off so I could look inside. It wasn't a particularly hot day, but when she took it off and turned it over to show me the inside, there was literally about a teaspoon of sweat pooled in there! That's when I knew for sure they weren't for me. But, I know they work for some people - keep us posted and good luck.
Mary, it's so true about the puddle inside dripping and eventually the whole thing will slide.
I had trouble when I received it last year, although it's the next best thing to skin and feels great In the cool weather..for me with my intense body heat, the wig will always be coming off somewhat.Also for me having alopecia areata I must shave every day without fail or it wont suction.I was on a 14 hour flight and when I got into San Francisco...my wig was loose!
I still had 5 more hours to go after a connecting flight.
The most uncomfortable thing was, and I have mentioned it before, on that flight I met someone who worked closely with my son, who by chance had the same seat next to me.He was overwhelmed with my beautiful hair, so when we spoke the day after I told him about my "BALD HEAD" and he couldn't wait to hang up!
These times make it easy to remember who I am and why I do not wear a wig!
You said it, Minah!
I would say wearing a wig or hair system is no different than push-up bras, make-up, high heels, or girdles. I'll chalk it all up to feminine mystique. Here's to finding some alterna-hair that's even better than the real thing. When life gives you lemons why not make bleach blonde lemonade?! I'm still hoping to find out if anyone has any experience with hair-integration systems that stay on all the time and cleverly incorporate the hair you have left with additional hair to cover areas that need some, or a lot of help.
I hope you find what you're looking for, too. If you still have some hair, why not work with it?

Your post makes me think of something else, though: I found I was unwilling/unable to wear a wig due to my perception of the level of discomfort they cause me - AND I have never worn wire or push-up bras, girdles, high heels or pointy shoes, or any sort of constricting clothing. Maybe there's a connection here. Maybe whether or not you choose to wear a wig correlates with whether you have worn constricting clothes and/or shoes (not that there's anything wrong with that.) ( ;-)
Thanks, Stephanie...glad you like the scarf. I have some other videos on YouTube you might enjoy. All the best, and Welcome to AW!
Hi Dominique
I have worn an integrated hair system..they can add alot of hair but you need to have some front hair and on the sides by your ears to make it look natural. also there are cables you pull your hair through and i didnt like to go out when it was windy because the cables would show. the one i had you couldnt part...the cables were in the way so you had to wear some layering that curled back on top and definitely had to wear the added hair forward to cover when the system pulls back between appointments. if you have any questions i would be glad to answer them. I am considering a freedom wig or virtual reality (vr is a system too..set up like the integrated with monthly appointments but no cables and you can part because you shave the top of your head.
Hi Joy,
What is a freedom wig or virtual reality system? Never heard of those.
Hi j watson
i put the info you requested on your profile comments. hope it helps!
Thanks Joy, I do still have hair in the front and by my ears and have been told I am a good candidate, but I will have to find out more about visible cables and ask some more questions. I'm not crazy about the idea of shaving my head, but please explain a bit more about a virtual reality system—sounds futuristic!
I have AU and have tried lace wigs. I have found them to be for people who don't really need to wear a wig. They say they are for people with hair loss and you can wear them for an extended time (up to two weeks) but if you do, they mat up/tangle so bad they become unmanageable. Then you've spent all this money for a product you can't wear. If you invest in a lace wig, wear it for special occasions. Keep in mind, this is my experience, may not be yours. I'm just sharing not advising.



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