I am wondering if anyone has ever had a family member (especially) or close friend who has offered to donate their hair to you to have a wig made. I have sisters (and other female relatives or have had friends who know about my alopecia) who have beautiful hair and they never offered. Not that I have dwelled on it much over the years, but I have wondered why they didn't offer. Several years ago one of my sisters use to travel with me to a place that I had custom wigs made. On one occasion when we went, the owner of the shop said that she could save me more than half the cost of the wig if someone would donate their hair to me. I commented that would be great because money was an issue. My sister who was present sat quietly and listened. On another trip to the salon, I mentioned to her that it bothered me a little that throughout my many years of being bald no one ever offered to donate their hair to me so I could have a nice human hair wig made with hair from someone who cared and so I could save money. I hear about people who donate their hair to Locks of Love which is great, but who donates hair to older women with alopecia. Especially those on modest incomes. My sister again didn't say much. I noticed sometime after that she began growing her hair out and it was getting longer and longer-she had short hair for most of her entire life except when she was really small. She didn't say anything, but I began to wonder if she was growing it out with the intent of cutting it when it got to an appropriate length to make a wig out of. I was secretly excited and patiently waited for the day when she presented me with a ponytail of her beautiful hair and said "Here, go have yourself a nice wig made." That was over 4 years ago--she never offered and still sports a long hairstyle. I had also mentioned to my mom what the salon owner said. She said maybe she could ask the hairdresser where she got her hair cut if she could get me some hair. She said she knew she donated hair to Locks of Love. But nothing ever came out of that either. Don't know if my mom didn't ask or what. I guess some would say, that I should have gone and asked myself, but I'm thinking why wouldn't my own family members offer to help out. I've been bald for over 40 years. You would think someone in my family would have stepped up in that time. I did have one close elderly family member who use to save up money and give it to me toward my wigs until she passed away. But other than that beloved family member, no one else ever offered to help in my core or extended family.
Has anyone else experienced this? Who has had family members donate hair? Did you have to ask them or did they offer on their own? I think that if I needed a kidney transplant, my family might get tested to see if they were a match and if so would they donate a kidney to me. But when it comes to hair, it's hard for me to see what would be the big deal for one of them who can grow beautiful hair to give me some. I know if the situation would have been reversed, I would have done it for them. It would have meant so much to me and definitely would have ranked as one of the best, most thoughtful gifts someone could have given me. Just my thoughts.
Maybe those here who have hair and have someone in their life with alopecia, they might consider offering their hair as a loving gesture/gift. Actually, my little boy offered to donate his hair to me--he's so sweet, but it would not suitable hair for me and it would take him FOREVER to grow it long enough anyway. Since he can't donate his hair to me, he keeps his head nearly shaven so we look "more alike." I'm so blessed to have him.