I know that is a strange question, but having AU for 3-4 years now (after many years of AA), sometimes I think that we could solve it if we really ask ourself WHAT and WHEN something bothered us so much so deeply hidden in our memories that caused this.
It's a bit hard to do it in the usual day with all the things we have to think about. But when we have holydays or a serious serious week to think into it I think that despite any health related problems that surely helped it we "all could know" what have been the kick that started it all.
Is there something in your past you know it happened maybe yourself wanted that forced yourself into acting not like you would have liked?
I make an example, like a alimentary diet? It's an example that help us to understand my p.o.v. but if you really force yourself into doing something you beleive it's right but you know it's not? I think that if there's an autoimmune issue so often we hear about nowdays, maybe it's there cause we involved ourself into doing or acting somway we should have been turned page before to solve it.
Like to have to accept a rude boss at work, like to often appear and stay clearly happy when you're deeply sad for any reason to not bother people or doing the exact contrary, or anything you could think about. I'm NOT talking about the word "stress" that nothing says us.
I often read that "I had it and nothing was happening.." "I was completely healthy..." "I was doing a perfect life..."... My question is... was it really? I'm asking, concentrating yourself in those far far memories are you sure that 100% of your life, one, two or three years before alopecia was perfect?
My opinion is that we are just like cars... Some cars are perfect even after thousands of miles, some are problematic at the start but the street we do everyday and the way we use it make a huge difference and maybe sometimes we press both the brakes and the accelerator not even knowing it.