I am considering a Freedom wig which will require me to shave off what hair I have. What methods do you use to shave for the best finish? An electric or razor or other method?
If you are thinking of shaving your head, I would suggest the HeadBlade. It was developed by a men for men who shave their heads. It is sold online and at Walgreen's. I shave my head usually every other day while I am taking a bath. Sometimes, I just shave it twice a week. I use the HeadBlade every time. It doesn’t always get around my ears as well as other areas so when that happens, I use a regular razor for that area. I have very sensitive skin so I put on men’s sensitive shave gel beforehand. Don’t ask me why I use men’s. I guess I feel it works better than women’s sensitive gel. Also, I have to admit that I kind of like the smell of it. If you have an issue with eczema, shaving your head might cause it to show up on your head as well. I have eczema, and I think the razor causes me to have minor spots on my head. I love Cetaphil cream, so I will put that on my head when I can remember to do it. HeadBlade also sells lotions and creams to go with the razor. I have cut myself a couple of times, but it was nothing serious. You could probably use a regular razor to shave all of your head, but I feel like the HeadBlade is easier to use.
Hello Chris
A head blade is a good option for head shaving, but not one that my daughter has used, but I do know ladies that swear by them :). She wears a Freedom Wigs and has done so for the last nine years. She has bouts of regrowth and loss with her alopecia, during regrowth she uses an electric shaver every morning. My husband bought it for her (as he was the expert at shaving), it's the type of shaver that has three heads; what men would usually use on their beards. This works very well for her as she has eczema and quite a sensitive head. She shaves most mornings at the moment as she has about 50% regrowth.
Hope this helps.
I always find using an electric shaver is the easiest and quickest way to shave. The big plus was noc nics or cuts.
Hiya Chris - well, I've been shaving my head on and off since 1975 (you could only shave in black-and-white then...), and I find the smoothest and longest-lasting results come from wet shaving with a good quality razor. I used an electric for a while, but it took ages, didn't stay smooth for long, and you can get friction burn if you press on too hard.... and they told me being a redhead was supposed to be attractive. Hey ho.
Like most things, you have to try different methods to see which suits you best, and then refine your technique with practice - doing round the back where you can't see without two strategically-placed mirrors is weird till you get used to doing it by feel! :)
If you go for the "wet" option, wash your head first with plenty of soap and warm water - really work it in to soften the hair - it makes it a lot easier to shave. Then, shave "areas" of your head one at a time - the top, say - just lather up and do that part, before moving on to one side or the other, and then the back. I found doing it that way meant the lather didn't get the chance to dry out, and by concentrating on one bit at a time, I got a really good overall result.
Remember to take your time too - don't rush it, be deliberate in your actions, and run your fingers over your skin after each stroke to check. That way, it's still wet and you can go over again if necessary.
Finally, rinse off and check all over with your fingers for anywhere you might have missed... and enjoy the feeling, cos it is rather nice!
Oh, by the way - the longer you leave it between shaves, the more difficult it is to do it. I used to try and do it every day, if possible, but two days wasn't too bad, and three meant I'd have to shave twice - once "with" the hair, then the usual "against" it. But it'll no doubt be different for you.....
I agree... Enjoy the feeling. It is very nice. Each time after I shave, I feel my head and think Ahhhhhh. :)
I've been using Gilette's Mach III. It really shaves well and keeps my head smooth for a while. Also before I began shaving my head I read reviews on headshaver.org That is a great resource will plenty of reviews on different razors, electric shavers, and creams.
Also, I have a norelco electric shaver and that takes forever on my head. I guess it was designed for my face but electric shavers (unless you want to spend $100+) don't shave as close as razors.
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