
So I am all new to this completely. Im 18 and in my second semester of college and have lost about 90% of my hair in the last three months. I live in a dorm so its kind of hard to always try to slip on a wig when coming to and from my room. I am very interested in the hairband wigs but can't find any :( I have a large head and everything that I find is average. I have tried using the halo one and it works I'm just looking for something easy to slip on and off. 

Any ideas? Or any websites with affordable headband wigs?

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yeah I've seen that website before and I am actually thinking about ordering the swimming one its called the tiara because i don't know what else to swim with. But i will definitely look at the hat ones as well. 

Thanks (: 

I bought a headband wig from the Henry Margu range. It was quite stretchy so it should gut u ok. Just google the brand name and headband wigs to find prices at online wig stores. I wonder if you would find buffs another alternative to quickly pop on when you are in your dorm. I wear them sometimes to the gym abd on the beach.



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